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Internship in Criminal Justice

CJUS 5753:  Internship in Criminal Justice

Supervised Criminal Justice related work and study in private or public organizations.  Open only to Criminal Justice majors. Graded credit/no credit.

*BS Intelligence and Crime Analysis students must complete either an independent study or an internship as required by their major; for BA Criminal Justice students, these experiences count towards their major as electives.  In some circumstances students are allowed to complete two internships (for a total of 6 credit units). However, only one internship can be used for the major. The other internship would be credited toward general units for graduation.

Internships provide students with an opportunity to explore careers and learn new skills that will be helpful for a future in the workforce. An internship can bridge the gap between academic studies and work in the real world.


1. Securing an Internship

  • The internship must relate directly to the School’s program (i.e., criminal justice related).
  • Students must find their own internship sites. The School of Criminology and Criminal Justice maintains a list of past internship locations and this list is available to students. Students can find this information on the Bulletin Board, linked below.
  • Internships can be paid or unpaid.
  • Internship agencies may be in the public or private sectors.
  • A student already employed in an appropriate agency may serve an internship in that agency.

Bulletin Board - Internships

2. Time Commitment 

  • A minimum of 120 hours is required for each internship, though an agency may request up to 200 hours. These hours must be completed during the semester in which the student is enrolled.
  • The number of hours required breaks down to approximately 8‐13 hours per week. However, the actual distribution of the required number of hours per week shall be agreed upon by the agency and the student intern.
  • If the number of hours required by the agency (over 120) cannot be completed by the end of the semester the student may request an extension of time in which to complete the internship. Both the agency and the internship coordinator must agree to the extension before it is approved. Such instances should normally result at the behest of the agency, or where there is a serious and/or compelling reason (e.g., illness, or other unavoidable situations). If this occurs, the student will receive an “Incomplete” grade and the grade will be changed upon completion of all course requirements.

3. Background Check

It is normally expected that students applying for an internship will be subject to background screening by the agency in order to determine suitability for placement. Such background screening may include, but not be limited to, trustworthiness, criminal history, employment history, previous residence, academic record, drug and/or alcohol use, fingerprinting, etc. It is the student's responsibility to apply with the agency for the internship giving ample time for background screening to occur prior to the start of the internship. The student is responsible for any costs associated with background investigations.  

4.  Duties and Responsibilities

The actual duties of student interns will be determined by the agency or its representative(s), agreed to by the student intern, with final approval resting with the Internship Coordinator. Such duties will vary depending on the type of agency involved (e.g., law enforcement, probation, juvenile facility). However, duties of student interns must benefit both the student intern, and the agency, and may include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Learning policies and procedures governing the long‐term objectives and day-to-day operations of the agency.
  • Observation (including participant observation) of the day-to-day activities of agency personnel, and their pursuit of agency objectives.
  • Carrying out of projects specified by the agency, which will provide data/information seen as desirable by the agency, and which will increase the awareness of the student intern regarding the actual operation/functioning of the agency (Examples: Conducting research on the feasibility of implementing a School Resource Officer [SRO] program; conducting research regarding the feasibility or effectiveness of sub‐stations).      
  • Assisting agency personnel in carrying out appropriate duties such as interviewing witnesses or clients, supervising caseloads, preparing appropriate paperwork for submission to the court or the district attorney.
  • Other activities could include such things as assisting in dealing with questions and/or complaints from the public or other agencies; assisting in crime scene investigations; assisting with the implementation and/or monitoring of programs such as Neighborhood Watch, etc.

Student interns should not be involved in direct peace officer activities. 

Student interns must take responsibility for informing internship supervisors or other appropriate agency personnel when they have finished a task, or are otherwise available for assignment to other or additional duties.

5. Student Expectations/Code of Conduct

Student interns are expected to adhere to and exhibit the highest and most professional moral and ethical standards. Such standards include, but are not limited to, adhering to all laws, ordinances, and agency rules/regulations; maintaining confidentiality; maintaining appropriate interpersonal relationships; and adhering to the highest standards of fairness and justice; dressing and conducting oneself in a professional manner; etc.  

During the course of the internship, the student may come into contact with sensitive or confidential information. The student is expected to treat such information confidentially and not discuss it with others. If confidentiality is breached, the intern will not receive credit for the course.

6. Internship Agency Expectations

Internship site supervisor/s will meet with the faculty internship coordinator at the end of the semester for a full evaluation of the student.

7.  Student Grading Criteria

Throughout the semester, meetings with the internship coordinator will be set up to discuss internship progress.

Students will be required to complete a final paper of 2,500-3,000 words reflecting on their experiences. More information can be found on the “Procedure” tab.

Student internships are graded on “Credit”/”No credit” basis. Letter grades are not given.


Mailing List Sign Up

The School of Criminology and Criminal Justice has created a mailing list to keep all interested students updated on current and upcoming internship opportunities. If you want to receive those opportunities in your e-mail, please sign up.



See the Internship Procedure page or Contact Dr. Nicole Collier - Internship Coordinator