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Internship Procedure

Internship Procedure

1.  Find an Internship                                                        

  • Students must find their own internship sites. The School of Criminology and Criminal Justice maintains a list of past internship locations and this list is available to students. See the Bulletin Board, linked below, or contact Dr. Nicole Collier - Internship Coordinator for approval of other internship sites.

Bulletin Board - Internships

  • The duties involved in each internship are specially designed by an agency and/or an internship supervisor in consultation with the student and will be included in the Supervision Course Application.
  • Each internship involves a commitment on the part of the student of a minimum of 120 hours up to a maximum of 200 hours.

2.  Complete the Application  

CSBS Supervision Course Application

  • Fill out the student information fields on the form online and save (as an Adobe pdf document)
  • Download the saved application
  • Email the application (as an attachment) to the supervisor at the internship agency. Request that they complete the fields below, and then email the application back (to the student):
    • list of assignments or responsibilities or activities
    • Location and site supervisor information
    • Internship Site Supervisor Name, Signature, and Date
  • Once completed by the supervisor at the internship agency, email the application (as an attachment) to the internship coordinator Dr. Nicole Collier, and schedule a meeting to complete the following fields together:
    • Detailed description of the course goals
    • Schedule of planned meetings with the faculty/internship coordinator
    • The means of evaluation (2,500 to 3,000 word paper)  
    • Instructor (Internship Coordinator) Name, Signature, and Date
  • Email the completed application (as an attachment) to Dr. Christine Famega - Department Chair/School Director for approval and signature.  The Director will then forward the application to the Dean for approval and signature.

3. Complete the Release of Liability form

Email the completed form to Dr. Nicole Collier - Internship Coordinator

4.  Register for the Internship Course

Once the completed application has been approved by all parties, the student will be issued a permit, and notified by email to register for the course CJJUS  5753.  As this class involves high commitment, NO students will be enrolled in this class after week 1 of the semester.

5.  Attend All Meetings with the Internship Coordinator

Students are required to meet according to the schedule of planned meetings with the internship coordinator to discuss the success of their internships. This will serve as an opportunity to ensure the students are performing well in their role, achieving goals that they set out at the beginning of the semester, and to answer any questions the students might have. 

6.  Evaluation by Internship Site Supervisor

Toward the end of the semester, the internship site supervisor will receive a request to meet with the internship coordinator, to complete an evaluation of the student’s performance throughout the semester. This serves as one element in determining whether the student receives credit for the internship course. If the student receives an unsatisfactory evaluation from his or her internship supervisor, the student will not receive credit for the course.

7.  Final Paper                                 

The final report should be reflective and evaluative in nature. It must be a minimum of 2,500 words, typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, standard font size 11 or 12.  The paper should address the following questions:

  1. What were your duties and responsibilities during the internship?
  2. What new knowledge and skills did you learn?
  3. Is this an industry/organization/career path in which you would like to work full time? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think this internship will help you in your career? Why or why not?
  5. What did you discover that you need to learn more about? What course(s) or other experiences can you pursue to learn it?     

Paper Submission                                                 

The paper should be submitted electronically to Canvas no later than the last day of regularly scheduled classes for the term in which you are enrolled. Failure to turn in the paper by this date will result in a grade of “No credit”.                                       



See the Internship Information page or contact Dr. Nicole Collier - Internship Coordinator