Journal Of Critical Issues in Educational Practice

Journal of Critical Issues in Educational Practice
Volume 11, Number 1
Editors: Angela Clark Louque and Stanley Swartz
This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles and creative expressions which address the critical topics of educational and organizational leadership, and diversity, equity, and inclusion, conceptualized broadly, as it applies to the study of and practice of education.
The Start of a Conversation with Critical Friends: Can the CalTPA be Used as a Catalyst for Program and Professional Inquiry?
Lara Ervin-Kassab, Karen Escalante, and Daniel Soodjinda
Critical Hope as Vehicle for Equity: Examining Teachers’ Paradigm and Pedagogy
Heidi Strikwerda and Jose Lalas
Engaged Social Media in Higher Education While Avoiding the Label of "Striving"
Jessica Nerren
“Now Let Us Shift”: A Case Study of Developmental Education Reform in a Hispanic Serving Community College
Audrey Baca
An Analysis of Policies and Practices for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Public Universities in Mexico
Lilia G. Lopez Arriaga
A Tribute to our Colleague and Friend, Dr. Sheng Chieh “Amy” Leh
Young Suk Hwang and Eun-Ok Baek