WCOE Newsletter | May 2024 Edition
Record-Breaking Credential Ceremony Celebrates Graduates and Showcases College Collaboration

The Watson College of Education (WCOE) recently celebrated a record-breaking Credential Ceremony, with 250 students and over 1,500 guests in attendance. The event was a testament to the college's commitment to student success and the collaborative spirit of its faculty and staff.
Associate Dean Dr. Stacie Robertson expressed her gratitude to the dedicated individuals who made the ceremony possible. She particularly acknowledged Nadine Mendoza for her exceptional leadership in planning and organizing the event, as well as the tireless efforts of the planning committee, on-site volunteers, and faculty coordinators.
"The success of this ceremony is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our entire college community," said Dr. Robertson. "We are incredibly proud of our graduates and wish them all the best in their future endeavors."
The ceremony was a joyous occasion filled with pride and excitement. Graduates were recognized for their achievements, and faculty members shared inspiring words of encouragement. The event also served as a reminder of the important role that educators play in shaping the future.
The WCOE is committed to providing its students with the best possible education and support. The Credential Ceremony is just one example of the many ways in which the college celebrates student success and prepares them for a bright future.
Project Impact Celebrates Student Success!

The Project Impact End of Term Celebration, held on May 16th, 2024, was a resounding success! This exciting event provided a platform for students to showcase their achievements, celebrate their hard work, and be inspired by their peers.
The celebration kicked off with opening remarks by Dean Chinaka DomNwachukwu, Assistant Dean, Dr. Becky Sumbera, and Dr. James Huff, Project Impact Director. Current, incoming, and completer Project Impact students provided student reflections highlighting their educational journey. Students completing their credential program were presented with a certificate and a Project Impact stole.
A highlight of the event was the awards ceremony, where outstanding students, faculty, and staff were recognized for their exceptional contributions. Dr. Rhea McIver-Gibbs of the Rialto Unified School District received the prestigious Partnership Appreciation Award Name in recognition of her unwavering support for Project Impact.
The event was a testament to the dedication and creativity of Project Impact faculty, staff, and students. It showcased the program's ability to empower students to tackle real-world challenges and make a lasting difference. We extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this celebration, including the Project Impact Team, faculty and staff volunteers, sponsors, and students. We look forward to building upon this momentum and making the next Project Impact celebration even more impactful!
May 21, 2024: Watson College of Education Honors Resident Teachers at 2nd Annual Appreciation Ceremony

The Watson College of Education (WCOE) recently hosted its 2nd Annual Resident Teacher Appreciation Ceremony, a heartwarming event dedicated to celebrating the exceptional individuals who contribute to the success of our teacher education programs. On May 21st, 2024, the college community gathered to honor resident teachers, university supervisors, mentors, and district partners for their outstanding work and dedication.
The ceremony recognized resident teachers specializing in special education, single subjects, and multiple subjects, highlighting the diverse talents and expertise within the WCOE. Attendees enjoyed a festive atmosphere filled with networking opportunities, heartfelt speeches, and a shared sense of pride in the accomplishments of our resident teachers.
"This event is a testament to the collaborative spirit and unwavering commitment of our resident teachers, mentors, and partners," said Dr. Becky Sumbera, Assistant Dean. "We are incredibly proud of the work they do to shape the future of education and inspire the next generation of learners."
The 2nd Annual Resident Teacher Appreciation Ceremony served as a reminder of the vital role that educators play in our society. By recognizing and celebrating their contributions, the WCOE reaffirms its dedication to fostering a supportive and empowering environment for all those involved in the teacher education process.