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WCOE Newsletter | March 2024 Edition

WCOE Newsletter | March 2024 Edition

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Dual Immersion Symposium at the James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education

Theme: Equity in Translanguaging.
March 8-9th, 2024: A Resounding Success for the 2nd Dual Language Symposium


The Watson College of Education recently hosted the 2nd Dual Language Symposium, an event that resonated deeply within the educational community. On March 8th and 9th, 135 passionate educators, administrators, and bilingual education enthusiasts converged, both in person and virtually, under the banner of "Equity in Translanguaging." This year's extended format fostered an even richer exchange of ideas and collaborative energy.

The symposium's success was evident from the outset, with lively discussions and engaging sessions that delved into the complexities of multilingualism and multiculturalism. Friday's expert panel provided a critical analysis of current DLI programs in the Inland Empire, while Saturday's keynote and workshops led by esteemed scholars like Dr. Muñoz-Muñoz, Dr. Herrera, and Dr. Palmieri inspired new perspectives on translanguaging.

A particular highlight was the unveiling of a groundbreaking research study on Translanguaging implementation. Initial findings revealed a remarkable 26% increase in participants' understanding of this approach, showcasing the symposium's immediate impact on educational practices. We eagerly anticipate further analysis of focus group responses, which will shed even more light on this crucial topic.

The symposium offered intellectual stimulation and tangible resources. Attendees could earn academic credit, access session recordings, and materials, and explore the newly launched DLI Database map and Translanguaging literature review table.

The dedication and enthusiasm of all participants were truly inspiring. We extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone involved in making this event a triumph. As we look ahead to the 3rd Dual Language Symposium, we are committed to incorporating your valuable feedback to ensure an even more enriching experience. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements, and be prepared to join us once again as we continue our journey towards equity in education.

March 21, 2024: Celebration of Teaching at SMSU South Inspires Future Educators

<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch Celebration of Teaching Recap | March 21, 2024 YouTube Video</a>


The Watson College of Education's Celebration of Teaching event, held at SMSU South on March 21st, was a resounding success. Approximately 200 aspiring educators attended, which underscores the enduring appeal of a career in K-12 teaching.

Attendees were treated to insightful presentations and interactive sessions that delved into the diverse career pathways available within the education field. Experts from the college and beyond shared their knowledge and experiences, providing valuable guidance on obtaining the necessary credentials and navigating the path to becoming a certified teacher.

The enthusiastic reception at the event serves as a testament to the Watson College of Education's dedication to fostering the next generation of passionate and skilled educators. As interest in the teaching profession continues to flourish, events like these play a crucial role in equipping aspiring teachers with the tools and knowledge they need to embark on fulfilling careers in education.