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WCOE Newsletter | February 2024 Edition

WCOE Newsletter | February 2024 Edition

Watson College of Education Unveils 2023 Reflections Magazine: A Celebration of Progress and Dedication

2023 Reflections

The Watson College of Education is proud to announce the release of its annual publication, the 2023 Reflections magazine. This digital repository captures the remarkable achievements, milestones, and inspiring stories of our dedicated faculty, staff, and students.

The 2023 edition, now available on the End of Year Reflection Archive, provides a comprehensive look at our collective commitment to educational excellence and the positive impact we have made on the Inland Empire and beyond.

We are thrilled to share this year's Reflections magazine with our entire college community. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in shaping the future of education

- Dean Chinaka DomNwachukwu

Readers are invited to explore the magazine and discover the inspiring stories of innovation, research, and community engagement that have made the Watson College of Education a leader in the field. The End of Year Reflection Archive also houses previous editions, allowing readers to trace the evolution of our educational endeavors over time.

Highlights of the 2023 Reflections Magazine:

  • Faculty Achievements: Spotlights on faculty research, awards, and contributions to the field.
  • Student Successes: Showcases student accomplishments, leadership, and community service.
  • Alumni Impact: Features on alumni making a difference in the world.
  • College Initiatives: Highlights new programs, community engagement initiatives, partnerships, and events.

The 2023 Reflections magazine is a celebration of our shared commitment to education and the positive impact we have on the lives of our students and the broader community. We invite you to explore this valuable resource and share it with others.