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Practicum Education Structure

Practicum experiences are designed to build upon one another in developing a competent practitioner. They are also intended to give the student an opportunity to learn about more than one agency’s organization and culture and therefore gain a more comprehensive perspective of social work practice.

Practicum education courses run concurrently with the Bachelor’s of Social Work (BASW) Degree Program and the Master’s (MSW) Degree Program.

BASW Practicum Courses
  • Social Work 4011
  • Social Work 4012
MSW Practicum Courses
  • Social Work 6081 & Social Work 6082  |  Generalist (Foundation) Year
  • Social Work 6083 & Social Work 6084  |  Specialized Advanced Generalist Year

Each student has one placement for Generalist (Foundation) year (BASW and MSW) and one placement for Specialized Advanced Generalist year.

Student reading DSM-5

Practicum Education Model

We believe that Practicum Education is not the final phase of formal learning, but rather is ongoing and concurrent with classroom experience.   This Model delivers enhanced learning by providing students in practicum the opportunity to immediately observe knowledge derived from the classroom and promptly apply skills learned in the classroom. Conversely, observations from practicum will reinforce theory, knowledge, and skills from the classroom setting.