About the Major
The Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) is the entry level Professional degree in the field of Social Work. Our Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited BASW is an exciting, highly structured program that prepares students for employment as social workers in a variety of agencies and settings, along with further education in social work or related fields.
Additionally, the program also offers a competitive Public Child Welfare Training (Title IV-E) program for students interested in working with children and families.
Students begin the BASW after completion of lower division course requirements and admittance into the BASW program.
BASW coursework begins each year in the fall, after completion of lower division requirements and admittance in the BASW program. Classes are held in-person during the evenings from 5:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
- Junior year: Course sequences in human behavior, social welfare policy, and social work research courses.
- Senior year: Curriculum consists of social work practice courses taken concurrently with a two-day per week (in-person) education practicum in a social service agency.
All students seeking admission into the BASW must complete a supplemental application packet, in addition to being a CSUSB student.