Thank you for considering the Bachelor's of Social Work (BASW) as your next step. We would love to consider you for our BASW program at our San Bernardino Campus (SBC) or Palm Desert Campus (PDC).

Please review the information below to help you in your admission process.
- All Transfer students interested in being accepted to the Bachelor of Social Work program will need to complete both the CSUSB application via Cal State Apply and the supplemental BASW Program application. These are two separate applications. Refer to BASW Apply Page for applications and deadlines.
- Consideration to the BASW program is only contingent upon completing both the CSUSB university application and Social Work program application.
- Attend a BASW Information Session! They are very helpful in making sure that you submit a strong application and meet both deadlines!
- Admittance into the university as a Pre-Social Work major does not mean you are admitted to the School of Social Work, full-time BASW program. Full-time BASW student status is achieved by getting accepted into both the university and social work program.
- Upon submitting your BASW Social Work (supplemental) Application, contact the School of Social Work to ensure your application was received and complete.
- In the rare case where a senior level transfer student from other CSWE accredited BASW Programs wish to complete their program at CSUSB, they must contact the School of Social Work as early as possible. Students who wait until June of the year may not be accommodated for fall placements
- SW 2000 (Introduction to Social Work) is a prerequisite course that must be completed before starting the program in the fall. It is offered in fall, spring and summer at CSUSB and an equivalent course is offered at Moreno Valley College, Crafton Hills College and Victor Valley College. Community college students may also use the cross enrollment or dual admissions processes to complete SW 2000 at CSUSB for reduced cost prior to being admitted to the university. Cross enrollment is limited and not available during the summer. For more information on cross enrollment and dual admission, contact your school counselor or the CSUSB Office of Records, Registration and Evaluations
- Review Frequently Asked Questions.