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Procedures for Supervisors

Every employee who experiences a workplace injury/illness deserves a personalized approach to assist them with recovery and their return to work. Managers set the tone for how the injured employees experience the Workers’ Compensation program. Understanding the basics of the program and the steps involved allows you, the manager, to engage with the employee with more confidence and alleviate fears and concerns. Managers are invited to contact Risk Management to learn more about workplace safety.

Responding to a Workplace Injury/Illness

If an injury requires emergency assistance, call 9-1-1

Serious lacerations, loss of consciousness or life-threating injuries (among others) require immediate transportation by ambulance to the nearest hospital


Report a Workplace Injury

The below Injury Response Chart assists supervisors in identifying types of injuries/illnesses and the recommended response for each instance.

Injury Response Chart
Type of Injury/Illness Serious Injury/Illness Medical Only Injury/Illness First Aid Only Injury/Illness
  • Serious lacerations; lumbar (back) strains; knee strains or dislocations; possible bone fractures; loss of consciousness or ambulation; life-threatening injuries; and exposure to hazardous substances.
  • Claim involving medical service but no time lost from work beyond the state-mandated waiting period and does not include any permanency of injury
  • Medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs and at the location where it occurred
  • Employees should be transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital.
  • Supervisors and other Employees may not transport ill/injured employees.
  • Managers/supervisors need to report transport of employees to hospital immediately to Risk Management whether it is work related or not
  • The injured worker(s) should obtain medical care at Designated Medical Clinics.*
  • First aid can be administered in the Department but still reported on an SFR

Supervisor’s Responsibilities

Within 24 hours of knowing about a workplace illness/injury...
  1. Show compassion for the employee's well-being right away.
  2. Complete the Employee Injury/Illness Report (formerly Supervisor’s First Report). Notify Workers’ Compensation (ext. 73939) of serious injuries immediately.
  3. Confirm the employee received a copy of a Workers Compensation (DWC-1) Form. Printable versions of the form are available.
  4. Advise employees to seek treatment right away at a Designated Medical Clinic if it is not serious or first-aid
  5. Obtain a medical treatment authorization form from Risk Management. to give to the doctor.
  6. Give the Employee a printed copy of their Position Description to give to the doctor.
    1. Management should not transport employees to a medical clinic unless they have been formally advised. Contact Workers' Compensation (ext. 73939) if an employee needs transportation to a medical clinic
  7. Advise your administrator of the workplace injury without sharing personal information about the employee.

Report a Workplace Injury

Within 3 calendar days of the incident...

Complete the Injury Investigation within 3 calendar days of the incident.

How does this differ from  different from the Supervisor's First Report? 

  • Looks at the "How"
  • Captures witness statements (if applicable)
  • Identifies the root cause(s)
  • Encourages action items (training, tools, redesing of processes etc.) to prevent recurrence


While the employee is recovering...
  1. Advise your employee of the root cause of the injury and lessons learned that will prevent reoccurrence. The lessons learned should also be shared with other colleagues to integrate safety throughout campus operations. Remember personal medical details and the name of the employee is private health information.
  2. Maintain regular contact with the injured employee but be sure to refrain from discussing work responsibilities.
  3. Provide Workers’ Compensation with the work status (doctor's note) and provide updated statuses when they expire.
  4. Review the employee's position description for modified duty options and work with Workers’ Compensation to implement transitional work as needed.
  5. Inform the employee that transitional work options are available that will follow medical restrictions when possible.
When the employee prepares to return to work...
  1. Provide Workers’ Compensation with a copy of the employee's return to work date and work status supporting an employee's return to work.
  2. Be familiar with the applicable employee's responsibilities and provide the employee with the procedures for their review.
  3. Work with Workers’ Compensation to review modified duty options and set up an appointment with the employee to confirm their understanding of the modifications
  4. Periodically check-in with the employee to assess the return-to-work transition.