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Inland Marine

Inland Marine is special property insurance designed for scheduled (listed) equipment such as musical instruments, artwork and special expensive equipment on loan or temporarily being used by a department for which the lender or department would want insurance coverage. Administrators have a crucial responsibility to safeguard the valuable assets within their respective units. Insurance is one way to be proactive.  Use the Inland Marine quote form to request Risk Management to obtain an annual quote from Alliant Insurance Services for your consideration.


Inland Marine Property Insurance Quote Form


  1. Musical Instruments: $1,000
  2. Fine Arts: $1,000
  3. EDP (less than $1mm): $1,000
  4. EDP(greater than $1mm): $10,000
  5. Laptops: $1,000
  6. Camera Equipment: $1,000
  7. Misc. Property: $1,000 Deductible applies against total loss from any one occurrence. The total to be deducted shall not excess the largest deductible applicable. Loss must be reported within 30 days. Rate per $100 varies with items insured.

Loss Evaluation:

  1. Property of Insured: replacement cost
  2. Property of others: the Insured’s interest and for the valuation consistent with the liability of the Insured.

Insuring Agreement:

Computer Form:

  1. Covered properties:  EDP and media owned, leased, rented, or controlled by the Insured and for which the Insured is liable.
  2. Perils Insured:  all risk of direct physical loss or damage, except:
  3. mechanical failure
  4. dishonest acts
  5. electrical disturbance

Commercial Article Floater:

  1. Covered Properties:  musical instruments, fine arts, camera equipment owned, leased, rented or controlled by the Insured and for which the Insured is liable.
  2. Perils Insured:  all risk of direct physical loss or damage, except:
  3. wear and tear
  4. hostile or warlike action, insurrection, rebellion
  5. nuclear reaction, radiation, contamination
  6. unexplained loss, mysterious disappearance
  7. mechanical breakdown, latent defect
  8. corrosion, rust
  9. misappropriation, dishonest acts
  10. earthquake, flood
  11. As to Fine Arts:  Fine Arts is covered through a seperate program.

Special Conditions:

  1. Fine Arts:
    • must be packed/unpacked by competent packers
    • declared/agreed value
    • pair and set: full value of set

Musical Instruments:

  1. not played for remuneration, unless endorsed thereon

Coverage Extensions: Lender’s Loss Payable Endorsement



PLEASE NOTE: This summary of the policy terms is provided for information only. It does not convey any rights upon the insurance nor alter its condition for coverage. Please refer to the actual policy for full disclosure of the policy terms.