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Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to contact Dr. Dajani is to email him directly at We strongly encourage you to email him first. In your email include details of why you want to meet and/ or speak with him. Please send all email requests and questions with a sufficient amount of time to receive a response. 

Please refer to the Advising tab on CSE’s website. Once there, locate the link that is titled 2023-2024 Advising List. You should be able to locate your name and the CSE faculty advisor assigned to you. If you do not see your name on the list, please contact the CSE office.

Yes, please send an email to our Director/Chair, Dr. Khalil Dajani at, requesting an advisor change along with a brief explanation as to why you would like to change your CSE advisor

The best way to contact your advisor regarding classes, credits, PAWS Reports, etc., is to email them directly. The CSE office is unable to schedule an appointment with your CSE advisor, so it is strongly encouraged to email your advisor first. All CSE faculty and staff have their email addresses listed on the CSE website under the Faculty and Staff tab.

You must reach out to your CSE faculty advisor in order to have the hold removed. The CSE office cannot remove the hold without your advisor’s permission.

You must obtain permission from the instructor who will be teaching that specific course. You may do this by filling out a permission request form which can be located online on the Office of the Registrar’s website. Please scroll until you find the Permission Request section. Once there, it will provide you with a step by step tutorial on how to fill out the form. It is up to the instructor whether or not you may enroll into the class, the CSE office cannot enroll you without the instructor’s permission.

Please direct this question to your CSE faculty advisor. They have access to your PAWS Report and should be able to help you.

Add yourself to the course’s waitlist if it is not already full. If the waitlist is full, you may reach out to the instructor to see about adding the class. It is up to the instructor as to how many students are able to enroll in their class. The CSE office cannot enroll you into a class without permission from the instructor.

Unfortunately, the CSE office does not have access to this information.

  • If you are an Undergraduate student, please reach out to the Admissions office at (909) 537-5188.
  • If you are an International student please reach out to (909) 537-5193.
  • If you are a Graduate student, please email Dr. Ronald Salloum at

You may fill out the form to change your major/minor that is located on the Office of the Registrar’s website. Click for instructions with a step by step tutorial on how to fill out the form.

In your MyCoyote, under My Academics there will be a tile that says Permission Request. Create a new request and follow along with the prompt to submit your permission request form. Please be patient as the appropriate parties will need to review your request and either approve or deny. Once approved, you may enroll in the course.

Please refer to the Internships tab on CSE's website.

Schedule an advising appointment with the Graduate Coordinator, Dr. Ronald Salloum ( 

Students can follow the steps in the "How to Guide" to submit Permission Requests. Your request will be sent to the instructor of the course for approval, then to the CSE Director, Dr. Khalil Dajani. An email will be sent to your Coyote email with the status of your permission request. 


Certificate in Computer Science for K-12 Educators

This certificate program provides training for K-12 educators to teach computer science subjects. The program will cover certain content areas in accordance with the guidelines specified by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The program offers two pathways to obtain supplementary authorization in computer science: (1) Specific Authorization and (2) Introductory Authorization.

Introductory authorizations added to a Single Subject, Standard Secondary, or Special Secondary (in academic subject areas only) Teaching Credential authorize the holder to teach the supplementary subject matter content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks for study in grades 9 and below. Introductory authorizations added to a Multiple Subject or Standard Elementary Teaching Credential authorize the holder to teach departmentalized classes related to the supplementary authorization listed on their credential in grades 9 and below. Specific authorizations may be added to Single Subject, Standard Secondary and Special Secondary (academic subject areas only) Teaching Credentials and authorize the holder to teach the specific subject in grades preschool, kindergarten-12, and classes organized primarily for adults.

Each pathway will require 4 courses to be completed (for a total of 12 units). No prior experience/background in computer science is required. The courses will be taught online.


The following are the requirements for each pathway (please note that each course is 3 units):

The required courses for Specific Authorization are: 

  • CSE 3901 (Computer Programming for Educators):  Problem-solving techniques and algorithms. Basic control structures and data types. File I/O and exception handling. Program documentation and testing. Object-oriented concepts including classes, inheritance, and polymorphism. This course will cover a current high-level programming language such as Java and/or Python. Cannot be counted towards fulfilling requirements in the following programs: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering, BS in Bioinformatics, BA in Computer Systems, MS in Computer Science.
  • CSE 3902 (Data Structures and Algorithms for Educators):  Abstract data structures, including list, stack, queue, tree, and map, and their implementation, storage allocation, and associated applications; analysis of problems and formulation, documentation, and implementation of their solutions. Techniques in algorithm design. Cannot be counted towards fulfilling requirements in the following programs: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering, BS in Bioinformatics, BA in Computer Systems, MS in Computer Science
  • CSE 3903 (Software Development for Educators):  Covers the process of planning, engineering and implementing a software system to solve a problem. Introduction to database systems. Use of software tools, such as authoring and database tools, for the development of educational software. Cannot be counted towards fulfilling requirements in the following programs: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering, BS in Bioinformatics, BA in Computer Systems, MS in Computer Science.
  • CSE 3904 (Information and Communication Technologies and Social Implications):

    Covers computer and communication devices and the systems they compose, including the concepts and abstractions that enable standalone, networked, and mobile digital devices to operate and communicate. Includes the social, ethical, and legal issues and impacts of computing, as well as the contributions of computer science to current and future innovations in the arts, business, humanities, medicine, and science. Cannot be counted towards fulfilling requirements in the following programs: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering, BS in Bioinformatics, BA in Computer Systems, MS in Computer Science.


The required courses for Introductory Authorization are: 

  • CSE 3900 (Computational Thinking and Block-based / Visual Programming for Educators): Involves solving problems and designing systems, using fundamental computing concepts such as decomposition, data representation, generalization/abstraction, and algorithms. Introduction to at least one block-based, visual (drag-and-drop) programming language. Cannot be counted towards fulfilling requirements in the following programs: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering, BS in Bioinformatics, BA in Computer Systems, MS in Computer Science. 
  • CSE 3901 (Computer Programming for Educators):  Problem-solving techniques and algorithms. Basic control structures and data types. File I/O and exception handling. Program documentation and testing. Object-oriented concepts including classes, inheritance, and polymorphism. This course will cover a current high-level programming language such as Java and/or Python. Cannot be counted towards fulfilling requirements in the following programs: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering, BS in Bioinformatics, BA in Computer Systems, MS in Computer Science.
  • CSE 3903 (Software Development for Educators):  Covers the process of planning, engineering and implementing a software system to solve a problem. Introduction to database systems. Use of software tools, such as authoring and database tools, for the development of educational software. Cannot be counted towards fulfilling requirements in the following programs: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering, BS in Bioinformatics, BA in Computer Systems, MS in Computer Science.
  • CSE 3904 (Information and Communication Technologies and Social Implications): Covers computer and communication devices and the systems they compose, including the concepts and abstractions that enable standalone, networked, and mobile digital devices to operate and communicate. Includes the social, ethical, and legal issues and impacts of computing, as well as the contributions of computer science to current and future innovations in the arts, business, humanities, medicine, and science. Cannot be counted towards fulfilling requirements in the following programs: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering, BS in Bioinformatics, BA in Computer Systems, MS in Computer Science.

Please visit the following website for more information about the certificate program:


If you have any questions about this program, please contact:

Dr. Ronald Salloum and Dr. Khalil Dajani