Department of Marketing Advisory Board

Amanda Luu - Senior Recruiter for Target
Amanda Luu is currently a Senior Recruiter for Target representing stores in Central though Southern California and Hawaii. She is also the captain for the Western Region’s internship program, where she develops curriculum and training materials for the program. She went to school at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) where she received dual degrees in Marketing and Sports and Entertainment. She also attended University of Redlands where she received her Master’s in Business Administration.
She is still very involved with my college and community. I serve as the Chair of the Marketing departments Advisory Board, she is a Member of The Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration Deans Advisory Committee, as well as an active Alumni of Alpha Delta Pi sorority.
She personally enjoys volunteering and going to as many sporting events as she can fit in on her days off. Her passion is student’s professional development. She has created the Coyote Career Academy for CSUSB Business Students, where students gain the skills and resources to land their first career out of college.
She is on LinkedIn and would love to connect!

Jacob Poore - Director of Communication for Growing Inland Achievement
Jacob (Jake) Poore is the Director of Communication for Growing Inland Achievement (GIA), a regional nonprofit organization aimed at increasing postsecondary credential attainment, adding more qualified people to the workforce, and contributing to a thriving economy.
Before joining GIA in March 2020, Jake worked for 15 years in numerous marketing and communication roles within the two largest university systems in California; the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC). He also taught courses in public relations, advertising, and interpersonal communication while at CSU San Bernardino.
One of Jake’s notable career accomplishments is establishing a new program at CSU San Bernardino, Coyote Advertising, which he successfully grew into a thriving team of students engaging in hands-on work experience for paying clients. Local leaders have praised him for developing a pipeline of well-trained students who are prepared to succeed in media careers upon graduation.
A respected member of the Southern California advertising community, Jake is also a former President of the American Advertising Federation, Inland Empire Chapter (2013-2014). In 2016, he was elected to serve on the Executive Board for AAF-District 15, which represents professional and student chapters throughout Southern CA and Western NV. He is currently the Lt. Governor for the organization.
Jake holds both an A.A. and A.S. degree from Riverside City College, a B.A. in Communication Studies, and an M.A. in Integrated Marketing Communication from Cal State San Bernardino. He is 35 year resident of the Inland Empire, currently living in Corona, CA.
Stephanie Harvey - Marketing Officer for the City of Riverside
Stephanie Harvey lives and breathes marketing. What is her perfect equation for award-winning results? A passion for creativity, consistency, branding and a passionate, rock star team to bring it all together. With experience from the public and private sectors, she takes the best of both worlds to create an impactful experience.
When she isn’t in the office, you can find her and her husband exploring the great outdoors with their two dogs or jumping on their next flight to a new destination.
Stephanie currently serves as the Marketing Officer for the City of Riverside, California and works with a team that develops the best of the web, video, social, email and so much more. She previously served as the Marketing Manager for Armstrong Garden Centers, the largest Independent Garden Center and Grower in the US. She graduated from California State University, Fullerton with a Bachelors in Business Administration and a concentration in Marketing and is currently pursuing a MBA from the University of La Verne.

Andrew Oakes - Principal at Green Acres Creative
Andrew Oakes has over 20 years of design industry experience as an in-house designer and art director in addition to being a principal at Green Acres Creative, a boutique design and marketing agency that services multiple clients, nationwide. He has worked for a diverse range of multi-national companies including Disney, Neutrogena, 24 Hour Fitness, and Ebay. His main body of work has consisted of taking clients through the branding process or promotional design process to build brand identity programs and or multi-level customer facing applications for promotional campaigns in print, video and web. In addition to his professional work Andrew has 14 years of college teaching experience and currently holds the position of Associate Professor at California State University San Bernardino. He has won several design awards for excellence in advertising both regionally and nationally and has been a guest speaker or moderator for several associations and institutions. His philanthropic activities include working as a single designer or with groups of students helping regional non-profits with their design and marketing activities. Andrew earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in graphic design from Cal State San Bernardino, and an MFA in visual studies from Azusa Pacific University.

Adeeb Hattar - President of Hattar Investments
Dr. Adeeb Hattar is an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). He completed a B.S in Business Administration from CSUSB in 2010, an M.B.A from the University of Redlands in 2012, and a D.B.A from Walden University in 2016. Dr. Hattar’s doctoral dissertation explored strategies that leaders of a successful U.S. bank used to identify efficiency changes occurring during a financial crisis.
Furthermore, Dr. Hattar is president of Hattar Investments, a corporation whose main business is holding and managing assets for investment purposes. He ensures operational excellence for the business to run effectively and cohesively. Dr. Hattar is result driven with an effective record in generating tremendous business solutions.
Additionally, Dr. Hattar has a 9-year banking career with Bank of America distinguished by a commendable performance of accomplishing large-scale goals. He would challenge his staff by implementing problem solving exercises and disruptive innovation. Also, Dr. Hattar encouraged the development of intellectual curiosity in financial services including processing new account transactions and account management.
Dr. Hattar believes in giving back to the community. As an alumnus from CSUSB, his focus is to help students earn a college education. As an entrepreneur and an adjunct professor, Dr. Hattar aims to inspire students on a daily basis. His objective is to share his knowledge and experience to help direct the next generation into their future careers.

Rami Tameez - Founder of Legacy Financial & Insurance Services
Dr. Rami Tameez is a financial professional who focuses on protecting and preserving the wealth of his clientele. His goal is to assist his clients in creating lasting strategies that protect their hard earned assets and give them the independence and control needed for the future.
As one of the founding leaders of Legacy Financial and Insurance Services, he leads his team to help local clients with retirement and insurance strategies. Rami’s mission is to educate the public on financial topics and techniques that help reduce taxes, create guaranteed income streams and offer protection in the volatile marketplace.
Rami is a graduate of CSUSB with a degree in Management. He also received a Masters Degree in Management from National University, Doctorate in Business Administration at Columbia Southern University, and holds additional financial designation including: Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS) and Accredited Wealth Management Advisor (AWMA) through the College for Financial Planning.
Rami is very active in the community as well. He is on the board of JJ Smiles Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to bettering the lives of children.
Now, you'll find Rami teaching as an adjunct professor at CSUSB and La Sierra University.

Rainier de Ocampo - Vice President of Marketing at Solar Optimum

Duane Cofield - Owner of Dreams Delivered
Duane Cofield obtained his undergraduate degree from California State University San Bernardino in Marketing while starting a career in radio sales at Wild96.1FM . His career in radio led him to work for Stevie Wonder’s 102.3 KJLH as a digital marketer and although he enjoyed his job and career there, he was also going to school at night to obtain his Master’s Degree. In 2014 Duane graduated from California State University Long Beach with an MBA and started an online beauty company during his last year of study. Duane recently fulfilled his lifelong dream of teaching at University when he received the opportunity to teach Personal Selling and Social Media at CSULA.
In addition to running a business and teaching, Duane also hosts a Podcast titled Drug Dealers to Businessmen Podcast: Converting Street Skills into Millions which has been well reviewed and received. In his spare time Duane loves to spend time with family, surf the best beaches and hike the best hikes with his wife Lei Lani.

Manal Iskander - Co-Owner of The Green Shack Marketplace | President & CEO of PCTronics Technologies | Executive Producer & Co-Creator of Musicology | Partner at BritBeat Entertainment
Your desire to be great both personally and professionally only needs to be inspired by what already lies within.
With a proven track record of advancement and success across several industries including, Entertainment, Hospitality, Technology, Food and the Music Industries, I specialize in brand elevation both personal and career, talent management consulting and diversity best practices.
As a thought leader in many new emerging industries, l am skilled in disruptive engagement initiatives offering new and creative approaches to life and career.
Have one conversation with me and you will witness my authentic, refreshing and hip approach to business and life.
I am honored to have been a keynote speaker, panelist, and to facilitate my own workshops. I cover topics ranging from “Managing Your Personal Brand On & Off Social Media”; “Self-Awareness, aka, Your Secret Weapon”; “Closing Deals in High Heels”;, Magic Words: The Science Behind Words that Motivate, Engage, and Influence”; Negotiating Like a Boss; The Unseen Shadow When in Entertainment.
My deepest passion is human connection and how it is represented, displayed and carried out in our brains and interactions. This knowledge allows many doors to open and a greater capacity to embrace your true potential.
Strengths and capabilities:
- Driving diversity as a business strategy
- Talent development: management
- Host and media personality
- Brand positioning and Social Media Marketing
- Creating community partnerships
- Professional and Self Development Coaching

Jacqueline Ash - Marketing Specialist at Choice Medical Group
Jacqueline graduated from San Bernardino Valley College in 2011 with two Associates' Degrees in Graphic Design and Liberal Arts. In 2016 she graduated from CSUSB with a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design and Marketing. Currently, Jacqueline is pursuing her Master's Degree in Marketing Communications at the University of Denver.
After graduation, Jacqueline took several temporary and contract positions. In 2018, Jacqueline accepted a position at Arrowhead Orthopaedics, where she worked as a Marketing Coordinator for two and a half years. Jacqueline has accepted a position at Choice Medical Group as a Marketing Specialist.
Jacqueline has worked in a variety of projects in different areas of marketing. She has taken several clients through various marketing regions; branding, marketing promotions, and digital marketing campaigns. She has also worked on a variety of websites and landing pages. Created, and managed email campaigns, tested different marketing strategies using A/B testing, and tracked digital marketing campaigns and landing pages.

Mike Kovack - Former Executive Director of the IE Ronald McDonald House
Former Executive Director of the Inland Empire Ronald McDonald House. Responsible for raising nearly $20 million and building a new facility for Inland Empire families. Created marketing and community outreach to be inclusive of all airline empire cities. Successfully recruited corporate, community and elected leaders to support the projects. Successfully rebranded name of facility.
Former Senior Associate Director of Athletics at California State University San Bernardino. Developed marketing strategies to encourage fund development and community support and participation in athletic activities.