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Bylaws of the Association

Article I: Name, Mission, and Objectives
  1. Section 1: Name
    1. The official name of this organization shall be LGBTQ+ Faculty, Staff, and Student Association. The abbreviation shall be LGBTQ+ FSSA or The Association.
  2. Section 2: Mission Statement
    1. To support the academic success, engagement, and professional development of the campus community to develop an inclusive culture that celebrates promotes, and supports LGBTQ+ culture within the CSUSB campus and community at large.
  3. Section 3: Objectives
    1. The objectives of the association shall be:

      1. To establish and facilitate communication among CSUSB LGBTQ+ faculty, staff, and students and provide a safe and confidential forum for discussion.

      2. To empower a community to support, attract, and retain LGBTQ+ faculty, staff, and students.

      3. To promote education on LGBTQ+ issues, increasing multicultural competencies for our campus.

      4. To develop and support co-curricular activities and programs that enhance the retention and graduation of all CSUSB students.

      5. To develop, promote, and celebrate LGBTQ+ cultural and social events in partnership with the local and campus community.

      6. To serve as an advocate and resource for professional and scholarly training and development of members.

      7. To advise administration, faculty, staff, and students about policies, procedures, and practices that affect the LGBTQ+ community and to provide leadership in identifying and responding to challenges, issues, and events affecting the LGBTQ+ campus and local community.

      8. To address issues of safety, ensure the well-being of our community, and educate the campus around issues of sexual and gender diversity.

Article II: Membership
  1. Section I: Qualifications for Membership 
    1. Membership is open to all employees, faculty, and students of California State University, San Bernardino as well as off-campus community persons who support the mission and objectives of the Association as defined in Article I, Section 1, and Section 3.
  2. Section 2: Classification 
    1. There shall be three categories of members: Voting Members, Associate Members, and Honorary Members.
      1. Voting Members are those who have made payment of their dues for the membership year. If a voting member does not renew their dues they revert to the status of an Associate member.
        1. Voting Members may be administrators, faculty, staff, students, or members of the community.
        2. Voting Members are encouraged to be active participants in the association as witnessed by their attendance at general meetings, supporting committee work, or assisting in other functions of the association.
      2. Associate Members are those who have completed the membership application. Associate membership does not expire and will be considered valid unless the member requests removal from the Association.
        1. Associate Members may be administrators, faculty, staff, students, or members of the community.
        2. Associate Members are encouraged to be active participants in the association as witnessed by their attendance at general meetings, supporting committee work, or assisting in other functions of the association.
      3. Honorary Members are appointed at the discretion of the Executive Board. Honorary members will have demonstrated support for the LGBTQ+ community and serve as an ally to the Association.
        1. Honorary Members may be administrators, faculty, staff, students, or members of the community.
        2. Honorary Members are encouraged to be active participants in the association as witnessed by their attendance at general meetings, supporting committee work, or assisting in other functions of the association.
      4. Membership in the Association is not based solely upon race, ethnic origin, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, or religious conviction.
      5. Each membership year a roster of all members will be distributed to the Executive Board and posted to the Association website by the Membership Chair.
      6. Membership for the Association will be from July 1 through June 30, unless specified differently in Article II, Section 2 of the Bylaws. May 31 will be the last day to pay dues and receive membership benefits for the current year.
  3. Section 3: Voting and Rights of Members
    1. Voting Members have the right to vote on issues, general elections, amendments to the bylaws, and any special elections.
    2. Voting Members have the right to hold office, bring motions forward and submit amendments to the bylaws.
    3. All agenda items or proposed matters shall be voted on during the General Membership meetings by voting members in attendance
      1. In the event of a tie vote on an agenda item or proposed issue, during a general meeting the President, or in the President’s absence the Vice President, will vote to break the tie and come to terms with the final decision.
    4. Associate members have the right to attend and participate in general meetings, serve on committees, and volunteer to represent the Association at on and off-campus events.
    5. Honorary members have the right to attend and participate in general meetings, serve on committees, and volunteer to represent the Association at on and off-campus events.
Article III: Association Dues
  1. Section 1: Fees
    1. The dues for the Association shall be set by the Governing Board during the Summer Retreat before the start of the Academic year.
    2. The Association works under voluntary personal and financial contributions.
    3. Under special financial circumstances, a membership waiver can be granted for student memberships. A written request outlining the reason(s) must be forwarded by the person requesting the waiver to the Director of Membership.
      1. The Executive Board will vote to approve or deny the request.
  2. Section 2: Donations and Contributions
    1. The Association welcomes all financial contributions of interested parties and members that support the goals, mission, and activities of the Association but reserves the right to decline funds as the Executive Board deems appropriate.
    2. All donations and contributions will be deposited to the Association’s gift fund account, following all regulations by our Division of University Advancement.
Article IV: Governing Board
  1. Section 1: The Governing Board
    1. The Governing Board shall consist of ten officers including four elected Executive Board Officers and six Appointed Officers.
    2. All Governing Board prospective members must maintain their status as Voting Members during their term as defined in Article II, Section 2 of these Bylaws at the time of election or appointment.
    3. All Governing Board prospective members must complete a Declaration of Candidacy Form (see Appendix A) before the time of election or appointment.
      1. Shall maintain and adhere to all statements in the Declaration of Candidacy.
  2. Section 2: The Executive Board
    1. The Executive Board shall consist of four elected Executive Board Officers.
    2. Executive Board officers’ voting duties and responsibilities are listed in Article V, Section 2.
    3. The Elected Executive Board shall consist of:
      1. President
      2. Vice President
      3. Executive Secretary
      4. Executive Treasurer
  3. Section 3: Appointed Officers
    1. There shall be six Appointed Officers appointed by, and report to, the Executive Board.
    2. Appointed Officers do not have fiscal voting rights.
    3. All Appointed Officer positions shall be filled within 30 days from the start of the elections cycle.
    4. The Appointed Officers shall consist of:
      1. Director of Membership
      2. Director of Marketing and Communications
      3. Director of Programs
      4. Student Representative
      5. Faculty Representative
      6. Staff Representative
  4. Section 4: Nominations and Elections
    1. Executive Board
      1. All Executive Board officers hold elected positions. Elections will be held during the month the newly elected Executive Board officers will assume their positions July 1 and will end on June 30 of the following year.
      2. Eligibility: Any current Voting Members are eligible to hold an elected office.
      3. Nomination Period: Candidates for office may be nominated or self-nominated during the nomination period of ten days. All candidates for elected positions must submit a Declaration of Candidacy form (see Appendix A) to be eligible to run for office.
      4. Method: A committee shall be appointed by the President and chaired by the Vice President. The election ballot shall be distributed electronically via email to members eligible to vote. Ballots shall be cast electronically and submitted to the elections committee.
      5. Voting: After the nomination period is closed, the voting period shall be ten days. Elections shall be conducted by June 1st. All positions will be elected by majority vote. All elected positions shall be filled within 30 days from the start of the election. Elected positions are listed in Article IV, Section 2.
      6. Special Appointments: In the event, an elected position becomes vacant during the one-year term, the Executive Board shall fill vacant positions subject to a simple majority vote.
      7. All Executive Board positions serve for a one-year term except for the Vice President. The role of the Vice President will transition to President of the Association the following membership year.
    2. Appointed Officers
      1. All Appointed Officer positions serve for a one-year term.
      2. Appointed Officers will be selected and appointed by the newly elected Executive Board after their election.
  5. Section 5: Removal and Resignation of Governing Board Officers
    1. Members of the Governing Board may resign their duties at any time by delivery of a written and signed a letter of resignation to the President.
      1. Such resignation is effective upon receipt by the President, and all rights and duties of the resigning officer are terminated as a member of the Board—if a date is not specified.
      2. If an officer resigns, the Executive Board will appoint by a majority vote a new replacement.
    2. In the event a member disaffiliates without a formal resignation, the Executive Board may vote to make their seat available.
    3. Officers may be removed by a majority vote of the Governing Board when in their judgment such removal serves the best interest of the Association.
      1. Upon removal of an officer, the Executive Board will appoint a new officer following the same process that would have been used had the officer resigned.
    4. If removal or resignation of an Executive Board member occurs, reference Article IV, Section IV.
Article V: Duties and Responsibilities
  1. Section 1: The Governing Board
    1. The Governing Board shall be responsible for:
      1. Leadership and direction of the Association.
      2. Scheduling and conducting Governing Board meetings and General Membership Association meetings.
      3. Distributing notes of their meetings to the general membership.
      4. Creating additional Adhoc committees as needed.
      5. The new Governing Board shall conduct a summer planning retreat in July. All Governing Board members are expected to be in attendance and invite key stakeholders, such a: LGBTQ+ members, past presidents, retirees, and alumni.
        1. The objectives of this retreat are:
          1. Review the Association’s financial report and develop a projected budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
          2. Identify fundraising strategies and establish goals for the Association.
          3. Creating a calendar of events for the academic year and including the sequential fall semester after officers’ term has concluded.
          4. Establish membership campaign and goals for the year.
          5. Review annual membership fee structure and revise as needed.
          6. Determine the schedule for monthly Governing Board Meetings and General Association Meetings.
      6. The Governing Board shall work on an annual report to reflect the Association’s successes and opportunities from the fiscal year. This report is intended to be disseminated to LGBTQ+FSSA membership and the campus community, including CSUSB leadership, by June 30.
        1. Recommended key performance indicators for this report include but are not limited to:
          1. Executive Summary
          2. Financial Report
          3. Marketing and Communication Report
          4. Meeting Report
          5. Membership Report
          6. Opportunities and Risk Report
          7. Programing Report
          8. Student. Staff and Faculty Representation Report
  2. Section 2: The Executive Board
    1. The Executive Board shall be responsible for:
      1. Authorizing and approving expenditures on behalf of the Association.
        1. All purchases must be pre-approved by the Executive Board, e.g. documented by estimates, proposals, or quotes.
        2. Once the purchase has been approved, the Executive Treasurer will issue a check for reimbursement, petty cash reimbursement, or direct payment to the vendor with supporting documentation, e.g. receipts, invoices, and contracts.
      2. Purchases made on behalf of the Association should not exceed the approved annual budget.
        1. Under special circumstances, expenditures may exceed the allocated budget with approval from the Executive Board.
        2. Expenditures made without approval will not be reimbursed.
      3. Making final decisions on any recommendations presented by other committees.
  3. Section 3: President
    1. The responsibilities of the President shall be:
      1. Leading Governing Board and General Membership meetings.
      2. Representing the Association in business matters with other organizations on and off-campus.
      3. Having general powers and duties to decide in the event of a tie vote.
      4. Delegating some of the President’s duties to other officers or representatives.
    2. The President shall not serve for more than one membership year.
  4. Section 4: Vice President
    1. The responsibilities of the Vice President shall be:
      1. Assisting the President in their duties.
      2. Serving in place of the President should the President not be able to carry on their duties.
      3. Accepting special assignments as requested by the President.
    2. The Vice President will serve in the Vice President roll for one year and then transition to President of the Association the following year.
  5. Section 5: Executive Secretary
    1. The responsibilities of the Executive Secretary shall be:
      1. Preparing LGBTQ+FSSA meeting logistics including agendas, space reservations, Zoom links, attendance records, and calendar invitations.
      2. Preparing minutes of previous meetings, distributing to the Association, and adding to the LGBTQ+FSSA Meeting Minutes webpage.
      3. Keeping records of all association activities.
      4. Maintaining the Association’s shared drive.
      5. Working in coordination with the Director of Marketing and Communications to maintain the Association’s Website.
    2. The Executive Secretary shall not serve for more than two consecutive membership years.
  6. Section 6: Executive Treasurer
    1. The responsibilities of the Executive Treasurer shall be:
      1. Be the custodian of the Association’s funds.
      2. Being responsible for the procurement of goods and services, including obtaining purchase orders, paying invoices, processing reimbursements, cash handling, maintaining accounts, and shall provide monthly financial reports to the Governing Board.
      3. Prepare and make available to all members a list of contributing members.
      4. Processing all contributions (such as payroll deductions or in-kind donations) and shall process all Acceptance of Gift forms.
      5. Furnishing to the Executive Board and General Membership all financial information, reports and general financial data requested by them.
      6. As a final duty of this position, the Executive Treasurer shall be responsible for completing the paperwork associated to change the signature authority over to the incoming Executive Board Officers.
    2. The Executive Treasurer shall not serve for more than two consecutive membership years.
  7. Section 7: Director of Membership
    1. The responsibilities of the Director of Membership shall be:
      1. Developing and implementing a membership campaign and recruiting new members.
      2. Collecting new member applications and working in coordination with the Executive Treasurer for processing of annual dues.
      3. Maintaining a database of members and providing updates to the Governing Board.
      4. Maintain a list of attendees for all Governing Board and General Membership Meetings and distribute it to the Executive Secretary.
      5. May appoint a committee to assist in the membership drive.
    2. The Membership Chair may not serve for more than two consecutive membership years.
  8. Section 8: Director of Marketing and Communications
    1. The responsibilities of the Director of Marketing and Communications shall be:
      1. Creating marketing materials and advertisements for Association needs and to raise awareness.
      2. Maintaining the Association’s social media platforms and website.
      3. Appointing a committee to assist in marketing efforts.
      4. Ensuring that all LGBTQ+ marketing pieces follow CSUSB branding guidelines.
    2. The Director of Marketing and Communications shall not serve for more than two consecutive membership years.
  9. Section 9: Director of Programs
    1. The responsibilities of the Director of programs shall be:
      1. Identifying, planning, and executing programs as outlined by the Governing Board in the summer retreat and shall oversee any additional association programs.
      2. Establishing Adhoc committees and appointing a committee chair as needed to implement programs.
      3. Shall submit a proposed budget for each program to the Governing Board for comments. Fiscal approval vote will be provided by the Executive Board. (See Appendix B for the LGBTQ+FSSA Program Budget Template).
      4. Shall be responsible for assessment, evaluation, and reporting of the programs. The Director of Programs shall collaborate with committee chairs in these efforts to complete the LGBTQ+FSSA Program Report. (See Appendix C).
    2. The Director of Programs shall not serve for more than two consecutive membership years.
  10. Section 10: Student Representative
    1. The responsibilities of the Student Representative shall be:
      1. Serve as a liaison between the Association and University’s students concerning LGBTQ+ centered issues and maintain a close relationship with the University’s LGBTQ+ centered student organizations.
      2. Communicate student issues and concerns to the Association and disseminate information.
    2. The Student Representative shall not serve for more than two consecutive membership years.
  11. Section 11: Staff Representative
    1. The responsibilities of the Staff Representative shall be:
      1. Serve as a liaison between the Association and the University’s staff concerning LGBTQ+ centered issues.
      2. Communicate staff issues and concerns to the Association and disseminate information.
    2. The Staff Representative shall not serve for more than two consecutive membership years.
  12. Section 12: Faculty Representative
    1. The responsibilities of the Faculty Representative shall be:
      1. Serve as a liaison between the Association and the University’s faculty staff concerning LGBTQ+ centered issues.
      2. Communicate faculty & scholarly/pedagogical issues and concerns to the Association and disseminate information.
    2. The Faculty Representative shall not serve for more than two consecutive membership years.
Article VI: Meetings
  1. Section 1: General Association Meetings
    1. Monthly meetings shall be held during the fiscal year at a time, date, and location convenient to the membership as defined by the Governing Board.
      1. The meeting calendar for the academic year will be posted on the Association’s website.
    2. The General Membership must be notified of the meeting schedule no less than 1 month before it is conducted.
    3. The General Association meetings are open to all that are interested in attending, including non-members. However, privileges such as voting and bringing motions forward are given to Voting Members only.
  2. Section 2: Governing Board Meetings
    1. Governing Board meetings shall be conducted monthly during the membership year.
    2. The President is authorized to call a special meeting of the Governing Board.
    3. The President is authorized to call special meetings of the Executive Board for financial voting if the decision cannot be made during the monthly Governing Board meeting.
  3. Section 3: Conduct of Meetings
    1. Robert's Rules of Order shall be used when conducting meetings.
  4. Section 4: Quorum
    1. Quorum is met at general association monthly meetings when, of the Association members present, there are 50% + 1.
    2. Quorum is met at Governing Board meetings when there is 50% + 1 of Governing Board members.
    3. When a quorum is present, a majority vote (50% +1 vote), is sufficient for the adoption of any motion that is in order.
Article VII: Committees
  1. Section 1: Structure of Committees
    1. All committees are to have designated chairs or co-chairs.  Each committee shall have a representative from the Governing Board serve.
    2. record of each committee’s members shall be recorded and made available to the general membership.
  2. Section 2: Program Committee
    1. The Program Committee shall be responsible for developing programs and projects to be undertaken by the association in response to the needs of members and the community at large, (i.e., Fall Membership Social, Lavender Graduation, Pride Month, etc.)
    2. The Program Committee shall be chaired by the Director of Programs
  3. Section 3: Election Committee
    1. The Election Committee shall conduct the operation of the annual elections of the elected Executive Board positions that will be vacant for the incoming academic year.
    2. Shall consist of voting members who are not nominees or current elected officers.
    3. Shall be chaired by the Vice President of the Association.
  4. Section 4: Adhoc Committees
    1. All Adhoc Committees shall be designated by the President or Executive Board as such needs may arise for example Fundraising, Mentorship & Pedagogy, and Scholarship committees.
Article VIII: Amendments
  1. Section 1: Notification
    1. Amendments to the Bylaws may be initiated by any Voting Member at any time during the membership year.
    2. The proposed amendment must be submitted to the President of the Association at a Governing Board meeting.
    3. The amendment will be made available to the Association’s General Membership 10 days before the date of voting.
    4. The notification of the amendment may be made at a general meeting and/or via email, whichever is more convenient.
  2. Section 2: Voting
    1. The voting period will be a week after the 10-day announcement. Electronic voting shall be the preferred method unless decided otherwise by the Governing Board.
  3. Section 3: Approval
    1. Proposed amendments to the LGBTQ+FSSA Bylaws require the support of 50% + 1 of the votes received to be adopted. In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
  4. Section 4: Implementation
    1. Once approved, amendments become effective immediately unless otherwise noted.
Article IX: Statement of Dissolution
  1. Section 1: Association Dissolution
    1. In the event of the LGBTQ+ Faculty, Staff, and Student Association (LGBTQ+FSSA) of Cal State San Bernardino should dissolve, the funds deposited in their account shall revert to Cal State San Bernardino’s Queer and Transgender Resource Center.
  2. Section 2: Scholarship Dissolution
    1. In the event Cal State, Sylvia Rivera/Marsha P. Johnson Scholarship becomes defunct, the LGBTQ+FSSA funds shall revert to the SMSU Queer and Transgender Resource Center for continued programming like Lavender Graduation.
Effective Dates

Ratified, 8/14/2019

Amended, 4/11/2022

Adopted, 5/16/2022

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