This award from the National Procurement Institute is earned by organizations that demonstrate excellence by achieving or surpassing benchmark scores designed to measure innovation, professionalism, productivity, e-procurement and leadership attributes.

The university was selected by AASCU’s awards committee for its CSUSB President’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Board initiative and “its outstanding results and potential to influence and serve as a model for other institutions.”

Sastry Pantula was nominated for demonstrating inclusivity, integrity, respect, social justice and equity. He invites speakers to talk about inclusivity, diversity and equity, and emphasizes these values with search committee members in regard to hiring staff and faculty.

Theatre arts student Dea Armstrong will present an abstract from her paper during the S. Randolph Edmonds Young Scholars award ceremony on July 22 at the 37th annual Black Theatre Network Conference in St. Louis, Mo.

Beth Steffel received the Faculty Excellence of the Year Award from the Cal State Student Association (CSSA), which is given to one CSU faculty member annually whose systemwide leadership reflects a commitment to the mission of CSSA.

Laura Kamptner, professor emeritus, child development, is the first recipient of the award renamed for her: the Laura Kamptner Champion for Children, Parents, and Families Award.

The Outstanding Lecturer Award comes with a $1,000 Faculty Professional Development Grant, being honored at the Faculty Recognition Luncheon and recognition at the College of Arts & Letters commencement ceremony.

Angela Clark-Louque (education) will be honored at the Leading While Female Conference this weekend, the research of Matteo Crismani (physics and astronomy) will be part of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Martian Moons eXploration mission, and Annika Anderson (sociology) and Rigaud Joseph (social work) led the CSUSB Project Rebound team in a study of career building among formerly incarcerated college graduates.

Angela Clark-Louque joined CSUSB in 2000 and had served as department chair of Educational Leadership and Technology.