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President Tomás Morales surprises Lacey Kendall with the 2023 Outstanding Lecturer Award
May 2, 2023

The Outstanding Lecturer Award comes with a $1,000 Faculty Professional Development Grant, being honored at the Faculty Recognition Luncheon and recognition at the College of Arts & Letters commencement ceremony.

Watson College of Education, Faculty in the News
April 20, 2023

Angela Clark-Louque (education) will be honored at the Leading While Female Conference this weekend, the research of Matteo Crismani (physics and astronomy) will be part of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Martian Moons eXploration mission, and Annika Anderson (sociology) and Rigaud Joseph (social work) led the CSUSB Project Rebound team in a study of career building among formerly incarcerated college graduates.

Angela Clark-Louque
April 19, 2023

Angela Clark-Louque joined CSUSB in 2000 and had served as department chair of Educational Leadership and Technology.

Chemical Sciences bldg, Faculty in the News
February 28, 2023

Stuart Sumida (biology) is CSUSB’s Golden Apple Award recipient for excellence in teaching, Brian Levin (criminal justice) commented on Elon Musk’s tweet that the media and “elite college and high schools” are biased against whites and Asians, and Pablo Gómez (psychology) cowrote an article about pseudowords that are created by transposing two letters of words, called “the transposed-letter similarity effect.”

Image of President Morales congratulating Stuart Sumida
February 23, 2023

Stuart Sumida is the 2022-23 recipient of the university’s Golden Apple Award, which recognizes outstanding faculty who excel in the profession of teaching and have a significant impact on students with whom they interact.

From left, Lisa Gordon, recipient of this year's Angie Award, with CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales
January 17, 2023

The Augie Award is one of the most coveted awards in the university as it recognizes the recipient for their volunteer efforts and work in the campus community.

Cody Coyote and friends celebrate at the 2021 Homecoming celebration, which was recognized by the Council for Advancement and Support (CASE) with a Best of District VII Award.
December 8, 2022

CSUSB was honored for its collaborative efforts in Homecoming 2021, one of the university’s first major live events after being forced to shut down face-to-face operations because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stacey Allis, assistant director of the IECE, and Mike Stull, IECE director, director of the School of Entrepreneurship and professor of entrepreneurship.
November 9, 2022

The 20th anniversary gala will include special Legacy Awards to two outstanding previous Spirit of the Entrepreneur Award recipients along with the featured award recipients.

Twillea Evans-Carthen
September 29, 2022

Twillea Evans-Carthen was recognized for her active, consistent and exemplary community service and involvement and presence in the greater San Bernardino and Riverside areas.