The History Department’s Pre-credential Concentration prepares students with the skills and content knowledge needed to teach a wide range of topics within the umbrella of history-social sciences at the secondary level (grades 6-12). Through a combination of concentrated coursework in history, economics, political science, and geography students receive comprehensive exposure to the domains needed to demonstrate subject matter competency.
Who to Contact

Current and prospective students interested in the pre-credential history program may reach out to Prof. Michelle Lorimer (San Bernardino Campus) or Prof. Michael Karp (Palm Desert Campus) for advising and further information.
About Our Social Science Subject Matter Competency (SMC) Preparation Program
To qualify for the History Department’s Social Science Subject Matter Competency (SMC) Preparation Program, commonly known as a CSET waiver, students must earn credit in HIST 5700, graduate with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.85, and earn Cs or better in all pre-credential concentration classes listed below. Grades of C- or below do not count towards this requirement.
Meeting Subject Matter Competency
Before students advance to most single-subject teaching credential programs, students must demonstrate subject matter competency in various content area domains. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) sets standards for demonstrating subject matter competency. For Social Science competency, students may either 1) complete a CTC-approved program in their subject area, fulfilled by the History Department’s Pre-credential concentration and HIST 5700, 2) pass the three subtests of the Social Science CSET exam, or 3) complete a combination of coursework and CSET exam(s) verified by a CSUSB coursework evaluation requested through the College of Education.
Please note that the CSET is not the same examination as the CBEST. The CSET assesses a person’s competency in a specific subject. The CBEST assesses basic skills including reading, critical thinking, writing, and math. Students interested in earning a teaching credential must meet both subject matter (CSET) and basic skills (CBEST) requirements. Beginning in July 2024, the CBEST is no longer required for credential program applicants who earn a B.A. degree, in most cases. See the CTC’s Basic Skills Requirement webpage for more information. Also, see the James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education’s Single-Subject Teaching Credential Admissions Information webpage for more information.
HIST 5700 – Teaching History in the Field
Pre-credential concentration students who meet the pre-requisites listed above and are nearing graduation, with approximately 15-18 units remaining, will take HIST 5700 “Teaching History in the Field” during their final year. They explore key concepts of secondary (grades 6-12) teaching before entering a credential program, including exposure to the California State History-Social Science Standards (1998), Framework (2016), lesson plan development, and best practices for teaching History-Social Science in the 21st century. At the same time, students receive support in applying for post-baccalaureate single-subject credential programs to advance their careers in education.
If you meet the prerequisites and would like to sign up for the course, please email Prof. Michelle Lorimer mlorimer@csusb.edu at the San Bernardino Campus or Prof. Michael Karp michael.karp@csusb.edu at the Palm Desert Campus and copy pcrosson@csusb.edu to obtain a permit to enroll.
Course Requirements
Students need to take 18 units of core courses, along with 15 units chosen from five of the seven areas (Ancient, African, Asian, European, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and United States history).
Students need to also take an additional 21 units of specified content courses, which includes specific History, Geography, and Economics courses to fulfill the requirements.
For information on specific degree requirements please visit Bachelor of Arts in History Bulletin.
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 1400 or ANTH 1400 | World History to c. 1500 (HIST/ANTH 140 & HIST 142 quarter) |
HIST 1440 | World History from c.1500 |
HIST 2000 | United States History to 1877 |
HIST 2010 | United States History, 1877 to the Present |
HIST 5840 | Proseminar in History |
HIST 5850 | Research Seminar in History |
HIST 3050 | Ancient and Medieval Europe to the Renaissance |
HIST 3060 | European History from the Renaissance to the Present |
HIST 3700 | History of California |
GEOG 1010 | Introduction to Human Geography |
ECON 2201 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 2202 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
PSCI 2030 | Government of the United States |
HIST 5700 | Teaching History in the Field (Has prerequisites. Required to earn Social Science CSET waiver) |
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 3500 | The American Colonies, 1607-1783 |
HIST 3510 | The Evolution of American Democracy, 1783-1840 |
HIST 3540 | Civil War and Reconstruction |
HIST 3560 | The United States, 1877-1917 |
HIST 3570 | The United States, 1917-1945 |
HIST 3580 | United States in World War II |
HIST 3590 | United States History, Cold War Era |
HIST 5400 | Constitutional History of the United States |
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 3201 | Race, Ethnicity and Immigration in the United States |
HIST 3400 | African-American History, 1620-1865 |
HIST 3410 | African-American History, 1865-Present |
HIST 3420 | American Indian History |
HIST 3430 | Great Debates in African American History |
HIST 3450 | Women in U.S. History, 1607-Present |
HIST 3460 | Women in the Black Freedom Movement |
HIST 3620 | LGBT History |
HIST 3710 | California Indian History |
HIST 3910 | Chicana/o History |
HIST 5650 | Immigration and Ethnic American History |
HIST 5470 | African American Intellectual History |
Content Requirements (15 units) (five different courses out of the seven content areas):
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 3200 | History of Ancient Greece |
HIST 3210 | History of Rome |
HIST 3360 | Ancient Egyptian Archaeology |
HIST 3380 | Ancient Egyptian Art |
HIST 3390 | Culture and Society in Ancient Egypt |
HIST 4260 | Ancient and Early Imperial China |
HIST 4420 | Archaic Greece |
HIST 4440 | Roman Republic |
HIST 4460 | Age of Augustus |
HIST 4470 | Impact of Warfare in Antiquity |
HIST 4480 | Trade, Travel, and Migration in the Ancient Mediterranean World |
HIST 4520 | Ancient Egyptian History, Origins to c. 1700 B.C.E. |
HIST 4530 | Ancient Egyptian History, c. 1700 B.C.E. to 1000 B.C.E |
HIST 4540 | Ancient Egypt, c. 1000 B.C.E. to 495 C.E. |
HIST 4550 | Egyptian Mining Expeditions, Their Buildings, and Their Slaves |
HIST 4800 | History of Christianity I |
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 3860 | Africa to 1870 |
HIST 3870 | Africa 1870 to Present |
HIST 3880 | The Rise, Decline and Legacy of Apartheid South Africa |
HIST 3890 |
Images of Africa |
HIST 4490 | Gender and Development in Africa |
HIST 4500 | History of Southern Africa |
HIST 4510 | The History of Health and Medicine in Africa |
HIST 3860 | Africa to 1870 |
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 3830 | Classical Islamic Civilization |
HIST 3840 | Modern Middle East |
HIST 4260 | Ancient and Early Imperial China |
HIST 4280 | Medieval China |
HIST 4290 | Modern China I, 1644-1911 |
HIST 4310 | Modern China II, 1911-Present |
HIST 4330 | Modern Chinese History in Fiction and Film |
HIST 4350 | World War II in the Pacific |
HIST 4400 | History of Modern East Asia |
HIST 4560 |
Mughal India and the Early Modern World |
HIST 4570 | Modern India at the Crossroads of Empire |
HIST 4850 | Arab-Israeli Conflict |
HIST 4860 | Modern Iran |
HIST 4870 | Topics in Modern Middle Eastern History |
HIST 4910 | Nationalism and Conflict in the Middle East |
HIST 4920 | U.S. Media and the Middle East |
HIST 4930 | Iran-U.S. Relations |
HIST 4950 | Politics of Oil |
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 3050 | Ancient and Medieval Europe to the Renaissance (required for students in the pre-credential concentration) |
HIST 3060 | European History from the Renaissance to the Present (required for students in the pre-credential concentration) |
HIST 3200 | History of Ancient Greece |
HIST 3210 | History of Rome |
HIST 3350 | Modern Ireland |
HIST 4000 | Early Medieval Europe |
HIST 4010 | High Medieval Europe |
HIST 4020 | Renaissance and Reformation |
HIST 4030 | The Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment |
HIST 4050 | Nazi Germany and the Holocaust |
HIST 4060 | European Intellectual History |
HIST 4090 | Twentieth Century Europe |
HIST 4100 | Hitler's Europe |
HIST 4810 | History of Christianity II |
HIST 5000 | Tudor and Stuart England |
HIST 5010 | Britain, 1688-1901 |
HIST 5030 | Europe Since 1945 |
HIST 5350 | Studies in European National History |
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 3900 | History of Modern Mexico |
HIST 4650 | Modern Central America |
HIST 4660 | Foreign Relations of Latin America |
HIST 4670 |
Latin American History Through Film |
HIST 4690 |
Colonial Latin America |
HIST 4700 | Modern Latin America |
Course Number | Course Name |
HIST 3201 | Race, Ethnicity and Immigration in the United States |
HIST 3400 | African-American History, 1620-1865 |
HIST 3410 | African-American History, 1865-Present |
HIST 3420 | American Indian History |
HIST 3430 | Great Debates in African American History |
HIST 3450 | Women in U.S. History, 1607-Present |
HIST 3460 | Women in the Black Freedom Movement |
HIST 3470 | Black Freedom Movement Through Film |
HIST 3480 |
Black Panthers and Black Power |
HIST 3500 | The American Colonies, 1607-1783 |
HIST 3510 | The Evolution of American Democracy, 1783-1840 |
HIST 3540 | Civil War and Reconstruction |
HIST 3560 |
The United States, 1877-1917 |
HIST 3570 | The United States, 1917-1945 |
HIST 3580 | United States in World War II |
HIST 3590 | United States History, Cold War Era |
HIST 3600 | American History Through Film |
HIST 3610 | Chicana/o History Through Film |
HIST 3620 | LGBT History |
HIST 3630 | Race, Ethnicity, and Film in America, 1920-Present |
HIST 3680 | The United States, 1960s |
HIST 3700 | History of California (required course in pre-credential concentration, does not count in the core for pre-credential students) |
HIST 3710 | California Indian History |
HIST 3910 | Chicana/o History |
HIST 4180 | Early American Biography |
HIST 4200 | US Empire and Foreign Policy 1898-Present |
HIST 4220 | 20th Century Americans |
HIST 5400 | Constitutional History of the United States |
HIST 5410 | U.S. Citizenship and the Law |
HIST 5470 | African American Intellectual History |
HIST 5560 | Foreign Relations of the United States |
HIST 5600 | History of the American West |
HIST 5610 | Gender, Sex, and Conquest in the American West |
HIST 5640 | Chicana/Mexicana Feminisms |
HIST 5650 | Immigration and Ethnic American History |
HIST 5680 | History of the U.S. - Mexico Borderlands |
The Program Learning Outcomes are:
PLO 1 – Demonstrate key historical literacy, including knowledge of key events and how change occurs over time in broad geographical and temporal areas
PLO 2 – Demonstrating research skills, including critical thinking and reading abilities, assessment and writing skills
PLO 3 – Demonstrating communication skills, showing ability to organize and express their thoughts coherently