One of the services CAPS offers to the campus community is psychoeducational programming. We can provide a broad spectrum of programming ranging from tabling at information fairs, short presentations on CAPS services, and workshops or trainings on a wide variety of topics. We also often collaborate with the Health Education Program or the Campus Advocate to broaden the range of topics.
If you would like to request a workshop, presentation, or other participation from CAPS, follow the link below and provide as much information as possible on the form. If you are a student making this request, you must first obtain permission from your faculty or staff advisor, or your supervisor if you are a student employee.
Please know that every effort will be made to fulfill your request; however, there may be times when this is not possible due to the clinical demand placed on CAPS counselors. Requests made3 to 4 weeks in advance, and requests for larger groups are more likely to be fulfilled. As CAPS services are student fee funded, requests for presentations to students will take precedence over requests for presentations to staff or faculty.
To view previous CAPS workshops, visit our Workshop Library.