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Wellness Resources



Colored wheel with icons


EMOTIONAL (Anxiety Management, Breathing, Grief, Meditation, Mood Management, Self-Care, Stress management, and Suicide Prevention)

Anxiety Management




Mood Management


Stress Managment

Suicide Prevention

  • Suicide Facts and Resources: Get facts about the problem, find out what you can do, and learn who can help you.
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
    • 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
    • Spanish line: (888) 628-9454
    • TTY: (800) 799-4TTY (4889)
  • The Safe Space is home to resources and tools to provide you with some extra support in an emotionally safe environment.
  • If you’re worried that someone in your life may be suicidal, you can use the Lifeline’s 5 steps to help someone that may be in suicidal crisis.
PHYSICAL(Alcohol and Substances, Breathing,  Fitness, Mindfulness and Meditation, Nutrition, Sexual Health, Relaxation, Sleep)

Alcohol and Substances



Mindfullness and Meditation

  • CAPS Wellness APPS
  • How to Practice Loving Kindness Meditation (Article)
  • Leaves on a Stream (Practice)
  • Loving Kindness Meditation (Practice)
  • Liberate Meditation: "Liberate is the #1 meditation app for the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color community. Listen to dozens of guided meditations to ease anxiety, find gratitude, heal internalized racism and micro-aggressions and celebrate Blackness." Note App is designed for the iPhone only.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  • Quick 5 Minute Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Stress | Mindfulness Meditation Exercise (Practice)
  • Tara Brach: Includes free articles, audio talks and audio meditations. Tara Brach has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and is a highly trained in mindfulness and meditation practices.
  • The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | (TEDxWashingtonSquare)


Sexual Health




icon of lightbulb
Intellectual (Academics, Goal Setting, Mental Health Book Recommendation, Memory, Self-Improvement, Study skills, Test Preparation, Time Management, )


Goal Setting

Mental Health Book Recommendations



  • Coursera Together: Explore many free courses (e.g. mental health and well-being, the human brain, poety, your inner artist...) on Coursera through auditing)

Study Skills

Test Preparation

Time Managment



icon of candle



icons wiht stairs paper and award
OCCUPATIONAL (career, certifications, work ethic, school, training, interests, abilities)

New Accordion Item Content


icon with money
FINANCIAL (expense tracking, donations, financial literacy, financial planning, food and housing security)


Building Credit

Money Management


icon with three human figures with arms around each other
SOCIAL (relationships, culture, organizations, family, friends, clubs, parties, communication, Communication, Relationships)





icon of hands holding a world
ENVIRONMENTAL (community service, world and political awareness, natural resource management, recycling, food choices)




<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch 8 Dimensions of Wellness- Free Assessment YouTube Video</a>


"Wellness is a wholistic, strength-based approach which builds on individual assets and strengths. It is individually defined based on goals, beliefs, values, culture, personality, and life experiences (Swarbrick, 1997).

The Wellness Wheel represents the collaborative effort of the programs and services of the UNLV Student Recreation and Wellness Center — including Aquatics, Counseling & Psychological Services, Disability Resource Center, Fitness, Intramurals, The Care Center, Membership, Office of Student Conduct, Outdoor Programs, PEX Courses, UNLV Wellness Zone, Sport Clubs and the Student Health Center.

To better understand your wellness jouney, take the wellness quiz developed by Michele Kroll, Ph.D4 and the UNH Extension.


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