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Woodworking & Furniture Design

Our wood and furniture design area is now revolutionized by the introduction of digital electronic fabrications equipment. In our two big woodshops and the DEFT Lab (Digital Electronic Fabrications Technologies), you will find a broad range of hand tools, power tools, professional-grade mechanical equipment, and the laser cutters and CNC router.
With all of this at our fingertips it is possible to create anything in wood, or combine wood with a wide array of other materials.
Here are a few highlights of what we’ve got:
●      Extensive wood shop facility with generous working spaces/benches for layout and manual fabrication
●      Two Sawstop table saws, chop saws, a large-scale panel saw
●      Many different lathes
●      Several band saws, drill presses, planers and various sanding wheels
●      Powerful dust evacuation/ventilation system
●      Vacuum sanding table
●      Professional spray booth
●      A Universal laser cutters
●      Laguna CNC router with 4’ x 8’ x 9” bed