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Photography and Video

Our photography and video area is the envy of regional colleges and universities. We have many darkrooms and labs, a well-equipped digital photography lab, a dry finishing workshop, ‘The Cage’ which is the camera, lens, lighting and accessory rental facility, a large lighting studio with many different set-up options and equipment, and multiple locations to exhibit photography work.
●      Multiple darkrooms for black and white and color film processing and enlarging
●      Two well-equipped lighting studio with a broad range of lights and stands
●      24-station iMac computer lab with large-scale digital printing capabilities
●      Camera and lighting equipment available for on-campus shoots
●      Camera and lighting equipment rental available for off-campus on-location shoots
●      Multiple dry-mounting presses and other finishing tools
●      12 mini 3 Pro drones


Student can borrow photography equipment via our online Photo Equipment Lending Program.

 Minor and Certificate Programs in Video & Photography

More information on Minor in Video and Photography

<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch Minor and Certificate Programs in Photography &amp; Video YouTube Video</a>