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Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities

Staff Jobs

We are seeking passionate, dedicated SSD staff. Please see our current listings and join our team!

See current job openings in SSD

See current job openings in WorkAbility

graphic that says work with me

Student Assistant Jobs

We would love for talented students studying at CSUSB to join our team. Student assistants are invited at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels to gain experience in inclusion and accommodation. Please search "services to students with disabilities" to find our current postings.

See current student assistant openings



Volunteer Opportunities

Did you know that you can sign up to be a volunteer notetaker with us today? Then, whenever you may be in a class where a notetaker is needed, this opportunity will be offered to you first (along with the priority registration that is also awarded for this service!) We hope you'll consider this valuable opportunity and sign up to serve your fellow Coyotes today!

Sign up to be a notetaker

Sign up to be an industry expert