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Registering for Services as a New Student

How to Register for Services as a New Student

New students can register for services using the easy four-step process described below.

Easy Four-Step Process

We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations that support you in being successful in school and in college life. The process to join us and determine eligibility is four-step application detailed below.

Step 1: Contact Us!

Contact SSD to register with our office through our online application portal. All contact with SSD is free and confidential. 

Register for Services in our application portal

Step 2: Complete and Submit

Submit your application when prompted in the accommodations portal. You will be invited to submit any relevant documentation from your doctor, medical provider, previous SSD office, or therapists.

Step 3: Review of Materials

An SSD counselor will review the documentation for eligibility, and a brief intake introduction will be scheduled in person or via Zoom. We aim to contact you about the initial meeting within ten (business) days after submitting your application.

Step 4: Intake Meeting

An intake meeting will officially welcome you into SSD. There, we will verify your enrollment, assign your accommodations, and sign any necessary paperwork.