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WorkAbility IV


The mission of the WorkAbility IV (WA-IV) program is to provide support through enhanced career preparation services to CSUSB students with disabilities who are clients of the California Department of Rehabilitation.

We assist students in overcoming barriers, obtaining gainful employment within their academic major and job retention. 

Apply to WorkAbility IV Interest Form 

Sign up today to join WorkAbility IV because your involvement gives you access to tuition, books, supplies, parking and more! 

Apply Here

Learn More about WorkAbility IV

Our program will put you at a competitive advantage in school, the workplace and in life.

More Information

Apply to WorkAbility IV 

Students wanting to apply for WorkAbility IV services can email them at and request an application and supporting forms be emailed to them. 

Please complete the application and submit the forms along with supporting documentation to

WorkAbility IV Resources

Upcoming Events

There are no scheduled upcoming events at this time.