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Become a Mentor

Be the Change. Become a Project Impact Mentor

The goal of Project Impact Mentoring program is to match the men in this program to men of their own ethnicity who are veteran teachers and school administrators in the K-12 setting. These mentors will walk alongside these new teachers as they enter the teaching profession. The mentors will be with them until they attain tenure.  


Year One

Monthly 1:1 meeting with the mentee to answer questions, provide guidance, and answer questions the mentee may have about teaching and the school setting.

Year Two to Tenure

Minimum of 3 face-to-face or virtual meetings a year, organically agreed on based on mentee’s need and mentor’s availability.  The mentor continues to answer questions, provide guidance, and answer questions the mentee may have about teaching and the school setting.


Year 1: Stipend of $1,000 per year per mentee

Years 2 - 5: Stipend of $500 per year per mentee


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