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Career Readiness Resources

A student sitting at a desk and smiling at the camera in a classroom with other students in the background.

Career Readiness Resources

Welcome to our Career Readiness Resources page for Arts and Humanities students! Here, you'll find valuable tools, guidance, and connections tailored to help you navigate your professional journey and connect with potential employers in your field. Explore our resources to enhance your career opportunities.

Previous Career Readiness Events 


A classroom with students at desks and a mentor standing in front, teaching.

Picture Your Potential Workshop

Spring 2024

Pathways to Success Peer Mentor Jorge Paz presented a special portfolio session in the CSUSB Visual Arts Building for arts and humanities students new to portfolio creation. Approximately 20 attendees participated, with 15 present in person and 5 joining via Zoom. Notably, students from outside CSUSB also attended. Positive feedback highlighted the workshop's efficacy in emphasizing the value of a portfolio and the importance of its creation. Key insights included discussions on the significance of LinkedIn profiles, strategies for personal branding, and navigating social media's professional and personal spheres. One attendee expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn from fellow students and share insights on marketing themselves and their work. Overall, the workshop provided valuable guidance for students embarking on their career paths within the arts and humanities, fostering both skill development and networking opportunities.