Here are some of the most valuable basic tools that we have found to assist you in the two principal formal tasks of a grant developer/writer:
A set of links to suggestions and tips from the major agencies and organizations involved in university-based grant funding (NIH, NSF, NEH, The Foundation Center). We have included some tips and thinking points on the grant development process, and some of the best data links for demographics and statistical information on our region and its people.
Grant Writing Basics
Some agencies have produced their own guides for writing a proposal. If you know the agency to which you plan to submit a proposal, we highly recommend you consult their guide. Here are some popular proposal guides:
- The Foundation Center - Short Proposal Writing Course
- NSF - Guide for Proposal Writing NSF Award Search
- National Endowment for the Humanities – Advice on Preparing Your Grant
- NIH - Grant Writing Tips Sheet
- Vertebrate Animal Section advice (VAS)
If you are unsure of your eventual sponsor, please contact The Office of Research Development at or email Dr. Cynthia Crawford at
The link above contains some basic things to think about as you consider developing a grant proposal, suggestions about people you ought to speak with, and a brief outline of the elements of a basic grant proposal.