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Publications & Manuscripts Accepted for Publication Listed in Alphabetical Order

(19 articles; 2 with high impact factors (4.9 and 3.6), 3 with Q1, 3 with Q2, 5 with ESCI)

Canelon, J., and Lin, F. (2022). Information Systems (IS) Student Perspectives on Acceptable Online Courses. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 13(2), 37-60. Click here for full text.

Dumont, G., Van Wart,M.,  Ni, A., Beck, C., and Pei, H. (2021). Effect of the COVID Pandemic on Faculty Adoption of Online Teaching: Reduced Resistance but Strong Persistent Concerns. Cogent Education, 8:1, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2021.1976928 Click here for full text. Q2

Hou, Y., Muheidat, F., Ghasemkhani, A., Sun, Q., Qiao, H., McIntyre, M., Van Wart M. (2021). The Adaptation of Online Project-based Learning in Computer Engineering Education Settings. ICL2021. 1166-1173. Click here for full text.

Hou, Y., Amir Ghasemkhani, Hani Aldirawi, Miranda McIntyre & Montgomery Van Wart. (2022). Shifts in STEM Student Perceptions of Online Classes across 18 Months. American Journal of Distance Education, DOI: 10.1080/08923647.2022.2121521 Click here for full text. Q1

Hou, Y., Muheidat, F., Usher, T., Prado, W., Guo, X., Van Wart, M. (2021). Evaluation of the COVID-19 Shock on STEM Laboratory Courses. IEEE EDUCON 2021. 86-93. (Best Paper Award). Click here for full text.

Kordrostami, M., and Seitz, V. (2022). Faculty Online Competence and Student Affective Engagement in Online Learning. Marketing Education Review, 32(3), 240-254. DOI: 10.1080/10528008.2021.1965891  Click here for full text. Q2

Liu, Y., Dorocak, J., Kim, D., and Scott, W. (2022). Accounting and Finance Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning in a Mature Online Teaching Environment. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology. Click here for full text. ESCI

McIntyre, M., Ni, AY, Zhang, J. and Medina, P. (2023). Understanding Student Intentions to Take Online Courses: A Theory-Driven Examination of Adoption Factors and Prior Experience. Education and Information Technologies. Click here for full text. IF: 3.6 

Medina, P., Vij, N., Ni, A., Zhang, J., Hou, Y., and McIntyre, M. (2022). The “Mainstreaming” of Online Teaching and Conflicted Faculty Perceptions. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology. Click here for full text. ESCI 

Ni, A., Van Wart, M., Medina P., Collins, K., Silvers, E., & Pei, H. (2020). A Profile of MPA Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning: What MPA Students Value in Online Education and What They Think Would Improve Online Learning Experiences. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 27(1), 50-71. DOI: 10.1080/15236803.2020.1820288  Click here for full text. Q1

Nwamu H, Ni A. (2023). Nursing Students’ Evolving Perceptions of Online Learning: A Hierarchy of Curricula. Education Sciences, 13(6), 574. Click here for full text.

Sumbera, B., Canelon, J., Beck, C., and McIntyre, M. (2022). URM and Non-URM Students in Online Courses: Student Perceptions and Adoption Intentions at a Hispanic Serving Institution. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology. Click here for full text. ESCI 

Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Hamilton, H. and Drudy, S. (2022). Considering the Role of Professional Accrediting Bodies in Online Instructional Program Quality: The Case of the NASPAA (special project focusing on accreditation issues and online quality). Quality in Higher Education. 28(2), 168-185. DOI: 10.1080/13538322.2021.1977481  Click here for full text. Q2

Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Medina, P., Canelon, J., Liu, Y., Kordrostami, M., and Zhang, J. (2020). Integrating Students’ Perspectives About Online Learning: A Hierarchy of Factors. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. 17(53), 1-22. DOI: 10.1186/s41239-020-00229-8. Click here for full text. IF: 4.9 

Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Ready, D., Shayo, C., and Court, J. (2020). Factors Leading to Online Learner Satisfaction. Business Educational Innovation Journal, 12(1), 15-24. Click here for full text.

Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Rose, L., McWeeney, T., and Worrell, R. (2019). A Literature Review and Model of Online Teaching Effectiveness Integrating Concerns for Learning Achievement, Student Satisfaction, Faculty Satisfaction, and Institutional Results. (2019).  Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 10(1), 1-22. Click here for full text.

Van Wart, M. (2022). Online Learning:  What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Some Opportunities for Substantial Improvement in Higher Education Settings. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology. Click here for full text. ESCI 

Zhang, J., Addae, H., Flaherty, P., Boyraz, M., Schriehans, C., Habich, M., Phillips, A., Johnson, A., Bakeman, M. (2020). Management Students’ Perceptions of Online Teaching Quality, e-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 14(2), 33-52. Click here for full text.

Zhang, J., Dumont, G. E., Sumbera, B., Medina, P., Kordrostami, M., and Ni, A. Y. (2023). Rising to the Occasion: The Importance of the Pandemic for Faculty Adoption Patterns. Online Learning Journal, 27(1), March. Click here for full text. Q1, ESCI

Publications by Theme

Factors Affecting Student's Perception

Hou, Y., Amir Ghasemkhani, Hani Aldirawi, Miranda McIntyre & Montgomery Van Wart. (2022). Shifts in STEM Student Perceptions of Online Classes across 18 Months. American Journal of Distance Education. 

McIntyre, M., Ni, AY, Zhang, J. and Medina, P. (2023). Understanding Student Intentions to Take Online Courses: A Theory-Driven Examination of Adoption Factors and Prior Experience. Education and Information Technologies. 

Sumbera, B., Canelon, J., Beck, C., and McIntyre, M. (2022). URM and Non-URM Students in Online Courses: Student Perceptions and Adoption Intentions at a Hispanic Serving Institution. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology. 

Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Medina, P., Canelon, J., Liu, Y., Kordrostami, M., and Zhang, J. (2020). Integrating Students’ Perspectives About Online Learning: A Hierarchy of Factors. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. 17(53), 1-22. 

Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Ready, D., Shayo, C., and Court, J. (2020). Factors Leading to Online Learner Satisfaction. Business Educational Innovation Journal, 12(1), 15-24. 

Factors Affecting Faculty's Perception

Dumont, G., Van Wart,M.,  Ni, A., Beck, C., and Pei, H. (2021). Effect of the COVID Pandemic on Faculty Adoption of Online Teaching: Reduced Resistance but Strong Persistent Concerns. Cogent Education, 8:1.

Medina, P., Vij, N., Ni, A., Zhang, J., Hou, Y., and McIntyre, M. (2022). The “Mainstreaming” of Online Teaching and Conflicted Faculty Perceptions. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology. 

Zhang, J., Dumont, G. E., Sumbera, B., Medina, P., Kordrostami, M., and Ni, A. Y. (2023). Rising to the Occasion: The Importance of the Pandemic for Faculty Adoption Patterns. Online Learning Journal, 27(1), March. 

Discipline Specific Publications

Canelon, J., and Lin, F. (2022). Information Systems (IS) Student Perspectives on Acceptable Online Courses. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 13(2), 37-60. 

Hou, Y., Muheidat, F., Ghasemkhani, A., Sun, Q., Qiao, H., McIntyre, M., Van Wart M. (2021). The Adaptation of Online Project-based Learning in Computer Engineering Education Settings. ICL2021. 1166-1173. 

Hou, Y., Muheidat, F., Usher, T., Prado, W., Guo, X., Van Wart, M. (2021). Evaluation of the COVID-19 Shock on STEM Laboratory Courses. IEEE EDUCON 2021. 86-93. 

Kordrostami, M., and Seitz, V. (2022). Faculty Online Competence and Student Affective Engagement in Online Learning. Marketing Education Review, 32(3), 240-254. 

Liu, Y., Dorocak, J., Kim, D., and Scott, W. (2022). Accounting and Finance Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning in a Mature Online Teaching Environment. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology. 

Ni, A., Van Wart, M., Medina P., Collins, K., Silvers, E., & Pei, H. (2020). A Profile of MPA Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning: What MPA Students Value in Online Education and What They Think Would Improve Online Learning Experiences. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 27(1), 50-71. 

Nwamu H, Ni A. (2023). Nursing Students’ Evolving Perceptions of Online Learning: A Hierarchy of Curricula. Education Sciences, 13(6), 574. 

Zhang, J., Addae, H., Flaherty, P., Boyraz, M., Schriehans, C., Habich, M., Phillips, A., Johnson, A., Bakeman, M. (2020). Management Students’ Perceptions of Online Teaching Quality, e-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 14(2), 33-52. 


Van Wart, M. (2022). Online Learning:  What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Some Opportunities for Substantial Improvement in Higher Education Settings. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology. 

Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Hamilton, H. and Drudy, S. (2022). Considering the Role of Professional Accrediting Bodies in Online Instructional Program Quality: The Case of the NASPAA (special project focusing on accreditation issues and online quality). Quality in Higher Education. 28(2), 168-185. 

Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Rose, L., McWeeney, T., and Worrell, R. (2019). A Literature Review and Model of Online Teaching Effectiveness Integrating Concerns for Learning Achievement, Student Satisfaction, Faculty Satisfaction, and Institutional Results. (2019).  Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 10(1), 1-22.