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Clubs & Organizations


Success in the field of public administration involves networking and engagement. PA students are encouraged to get involved in student and professional organizations.   

Please take note of the University Diversity Committee and the Associated Students INC (ASI) for a variety of opportunities.

The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) is the largest professional public manager organization. It publishes Public Administration Review and a variety of other journals. Student memberships are affordable and it provides a window into the profession. Join on the ASPA website. The Inland Empire chapter of ASPA has monthly programs for networking and education. Connect with them through the Inland Empire Chapter of the American Society of Public Administration (IEASPA).

Organization Contact
Pi Alpha Alpha -- the Public Administration National Honor Society Dr. Robert Stokes
Research Institute for Public Management and Governance Dr. Thomas McWeeney
Leonard Transportation Center Dr. Kimberly Collins

Other professional organizations include:

For Public Speaking practice, contact our Toastmasters Club.