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Master of Public Administration Degree Requirements

Master of Public Administration Program

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MPA Program Admission requirements: 

  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. 
  • A grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above either cumulative or for the last 90-quarter units or 60-semester units of course work including postbaccalaureate course work.
  • Students with a GPA of 2.75-2.99 may be considered based on their entire application including employment and any potential GRE scores. If you have GRE scores, submit them directly to the Department of Public Administration (NOT Admissions).
  • A 500 (or more)-word typed "Statement of Purpose" outlining why you want to pursue the MPA and any issues we should know.
  • Public or nonprofit sector employment experience or completion of an internship (ADMN 6753, can be completed once admitted to the program).
  • English language proficiency.

Public Sector Employment Experience 

Students without public sector employment experience may be admitted but must complete a public sector internship before they can Advance to Candidacy.  Students requiring an internship should consult with Jessica Chavez at the JHBC Internship Office in JB 211.

If it is determined an internship is required, students are encouraged to seek internships at the onset of their first term. This process is similar to a job search – research and apply frequently. Utilize online resources such as LinkedIn, company sites, Handshake (available via MyCoyote), etc., to identify internships of interest. Given this is for the MPA, internships must be with a public agency. Once an internship is identified, contact Jessica Chavez to assist with the steps to enroll.

If an internship is not required for the program, students are still encouraged to seek opportunities – the only difference is enrollment in an internship course will not be required.

Click to view Step by Step Instructions on how to Apply!


Program Requirements 

* For more program details see the MPA Student Handbook (26 Points) and order of classes, on our Advising page. 

See also the CSUSB Office of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures

Students admitted before Fall 2020 may follow either the quarter or semester catalog requirements.  Students admitted for Fall 2020 and beyond must follow the semester catalog requirements.

Quarter Requirements - Only applicable to students enrolled prior to Fall 2020

   Nine Core Courses  
  1. PA 603. Research Methods in Administration (4)
  2. PA 611. Public Administration Theory and Practice (4) NOTE: Intensive writing class, must be passed with no less than a B-
  3. PA 615. Public Financial Management (4)
  4. PA 650. Public Sector Management of Information Systems (4)
  5. PA 662. Human Resource Management in the Public Sector (4)
  6. PA 663. Public Budgeting and Finance (4)
  7. PA 664. Management of Public Organizations (4)
  8. PA 672. Administrative Regulation (4)
  9. PA 680. Public Policy Analysis (4)
   Three Electives Courses
  1. Twelve units of electives to be chosen from any Department of Public Administration 500- or 600-level courses in consultation with an advisor or from related fields with advance approval from the chair of the Department of Public Administration. No more than eight units may be taken from 500- level courses.   If you are considering a concentration, see Concentration requirements. (Please note, the Cybersecurity Concentration requires an additional two electives.) 
   Capstone Course 
  1. PA 6550 Project based culminating experience. NOTE:  All core classes must be completed and you must be advanced to candidacy before you may take the capstone course. 

Semester Requirements

   Seven Core Courses
  1. PA 6110 Public Administration Theory and Practice (3)  NOTE: Intensive writing class, must be passed with no less than a B-
  2. PA 6030 Research Methods in Administration (3)
  3. PA 6620 Human Resources Management (3)
  4. PA 6630 Public Budgeting and Finance (3)
  5. PA 6640 Management of Public Organization (3)
  6. PA 6800 Public Policy Analysis (3)
  7. PA 6550 Capstone: Strategic Planning for Government and Nonprofit Organizations (3)
   Three Concentration Courses
  1. Nine units of Concentration courses. Each concentration has specific course requirements. Please be advised, the Cybersecurity concentration requires an additional 6 units that can be taken in place of Electives. 
   Two Elective Courses
  1. Six units (two courses) of elective courses to be chosen from any Department of Public Administration 5000- or 6000-level courses.  Cybersecurity concentration does not need to complete elective courses.
   One Semester
  1. PA 6985 Professional Development Seminar – Monthly Zoom Webinar
    Capstone Course 
  1. PA 6550 Project based culminating experience. NOTE:  All core classes must be completed and you must be advanced to candidacy before you may take the capstone course. 

Semester Concentrations:

Required Courses 
PA 5010 Administrative Leadership (3)
PA 6500 Government in the Digital Age (3)
PA 6720 Administrative Regulation (3)
Public Financial Management
Required Courses 
PA 6150 Public and Nonprofit Financial Management (3)
PA 6300 Program Evaluation (3)
PA 6610 Principles of Public and Nonprofit Procurement (3)


Required Courses
IST 6090 Information Systems and Technology Management (3)
IST 6470 Database Management and Policy (3)
IST 6700 Cybersecurity Policy and Risk Management (3)
IST 6730 Cybersecurity Theory and Practice (3)
IST 6890 Enterprise Architecture Planning, Strategy, Security and Policy (3)
Nonprofit Management 
Required Courses
PA 5140 Nonprofit Management and Leadership (3)
PA 5150 Executive Nonprofit Leadership (3)
PA 5170 Nonprofit Fundraising and Grantwriting (3)



Electives - Offered at variable times
Course Description Course Description
PA 5010 Administrative Leadership PA 5640 Economic and Community Development
PA 5140 Nonprofit Management and Leadership PA 6150 Public and Nonprofit Financial Management
PA 5150 Executive Nonprofit Leadership PA 6300 Program Evaluation
PA 5190 Managing Diversity in Organizations PA 6500 Government in the Digital Age
PA 5200 Sustainability Policy and Management PA 6610 Principles of Public and Nonprofit Procurement
PA 5210 Community Planning and Management PA 6700 Emergency Management 
PA 5280 Intergovernmental Relations and Policy Networks PA 6720 Administrative Regulation
PA 5570 Public Sector Labor Relations