The LEAD Education Projects will serve to coordinate and facilitate the development of a regional affiliate network.
Advantages & Opportunities of a “Committee of One”
- Strategic alignment across the IE region
- Relationship-building across affiliates
- Leverage resources collectively, as a group
- Pool our knowledge & expertise
- Capacity-building across institutions, agencies, and groups
- Brand enhancement of the network
- Rank and prioritize the most pressing regional issues
- Deliberate and decide on which of those issues we can agree to work on, and hone, collaboratively
- Provide solutions specific and explicit to the IE (move away from the generic “one size fits all”)
- Bring small successful models “up to scale”, therefore magnifying the positive effects
- “Giving priorities” (the affiliate network acts as a broker and/or external evaluator, advising philanthropists, donors and funding agencies)
The INLAND EMPIRE Regional Affiliate Network must demonstrate the following characteristics: