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Education Fair


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'Together We Rise - Educándonos Progresamos'

Saturday, October 17, 2015 /  El sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015 

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM  / 9:00 de la mañana a 3:00 de la tarde

'Feria Educativa is a part of the CSU Latino Systemwide Initiative'

Participate in the Feria Educativa via social media:

#LEADFeria2015 or #CSUFeria

Follow Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD) on any or all of our social media networks, and help promote a broad-based awareness of the crisis in Latino Education and enhance the intellectual, cultural and personal development of our community's educators, administrators, leaders, parents and students.  Share our links and show your online community that Latino education is the economic imperative of our time, and the civil rights issue of our generation. 


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2015 Feria Educativa Social Media & Nonprofit Ambassador

Santa Claus Inc., San Bernardino


Santos Manuel Student Union & University Commons

California State University, San Bernardino

A community event designed to provide students and their families with information and resources that will facilitate student academic achievement and their pathway to college.

Un acontecimiento comunitario diseñado para proporcionar estudiantes y sus familias con información y recursos que facilitarán rendimiento académico y su camino a la universidad.


Sun poster

© 2011 Poster Design: Armando Cepeda Art & Design

Contact Us

LEAD Organization

California State University San Bernardino

5500 University Parkway / Room CE-305

San Bernardino, CA 92407

Tel: 909-537-5632

Fax: 909-537-7040