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Friday, September 27, 2024

    “El Plan de San Bernardino:  Transnationalism, Academic Mobility, and the Reframing of Education"

8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Santos Manuel Student Union South
California State University, San Bernardino

LEAD Summit XIII 8 1/2" x 11" Flyer

     LEAD Summit XIII - Friday, September 27 - EL PLAN DE SAN BERNARDINO: Transnationalism, Academic Mobility, and the Reframing of Education 

Conferencia en la Universidad de Cal State San Bernardino 

El 27 de septiembre se llevará a cabo la conferencia Latino Education and Advocacy Days, mejor conocida por su sigla en inglés como LEAD, que se traduciría como Día de Defensa de la Educación Latina. Esta actividad se desarrollará en el Centro de Estudiantes Manuel Santos, de la Universidad Estatal de California en San Bernardino (CSUSB) 

El objetivo de la cumbre será promover y crear conciencia sobre la gravedad de la crisis que la educación latina enfrenta actualmente, y fortificar el desarrollo intelectual, cultural, y personal de los maestros, administradores, líderes y estudiantes de nuestras comunidades. 

Todas las presentaciones se efectuarán en inglés, pero habrá intérpretes calificados de traducción simultánea a español disponible todo el día. 


Lea la versión en español - Tema.

In 2022, the United States and México celebrated 200 years of diplomatic relations, although the much broader scope of relations between the two countries extends way beyond official and diplomatic relations.  Our relations encompass extensive cultural, commercial - trade, and educational exchange, in addition to hundreds of thousands of people who cross the border daily.

By intersecting histories, shared geography, and cultural / familial ties, the two countries are each other's closest and most valued neighbors and partners.  Whether the issue is climate change, or public health, human trafficking, entrepreneurship, trade and economic development, education exchange, citizen security, drug control, migration, technical innovation, or environmental protections.

LEAD Summit XIII, though, will address Education as the principal issue by which we choose to frame our bilateral relationship; and for the purposes of this thematic explanation, we share two ways to view and consider Education; and the process and content of Education. First, Education should be viewed as a right, not a privilege; and second, Education should be viewed as an investment.

In short, the U.S. and Mexico should collaborate, officially, to better plan its shared mutual future by undertaking far-reaching binational and transnational interventions that expand and promote academic mobility, the education marketplace, and equitable advancement and opportunity for all.

Creating a positive future will require a reframing of Education, Citizenship and Belonging, to where post-traditional and transnational students and global citizens must be; 

  • equipped to compete in a global economy;
  • part of a literate and well-educated labor and consumer base;
  • a pool of linguistic and cultural talent that would serve to strengthen ties;
  • significant component of a highly productive work and business force that contributes to the tax base and therefore the economic well-being; and
  • poised to participate and shape the political landscape on both sides of the border through voting and civic engagement.

Read more about our Summit Theme.  

El Plan de San Bernardino

  1. Define educational projects of academic extension and collaboration based on the proposals and discussions held at binational higher education meetings;
  2. Promote long-term educational and cultural exchange programs through networks of higher education institutions, researchers, teachers, legislators and students on both sides of the international border; and
  3. Promote research, teaching and dissemination of factors related to the migration of Mexicans, their insertion into society, their economic and cultural contributions to both countries, the Latino education crisis, and the barriers and role transnationals play at the global level.

Join Us

California State University, San Bernardino is pleased to announce the Annual Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD). 

  • Are you ready to make a difference in the Latino community?
  • Are you ready to connect with and be part of Latino educational leadership?
  • Are you ready to find cross-sector solutions to improve the education and lives of all students?
  • Raise Your Hand, Step In, and Get Involved!!!
  • Latino Education is the economic imperative of our time, and the civil rights issue of our generation.
  • Latino students disproportionately bear the crux of the educational crisis, and is where the greatest improvements and most fundamental changes must be fared.

Please join us for our annual assembly, as we convene key stakeholders: teaching professionals and educators, researchers, academics, scholars, administrators, independent writers and artists, policy and program specialists, students, parents, families, civic leaders, activists, and advocates. In short, those sharing a common interest and commitment to educational issues that impact Latinos.

Conference Location: Santos Manuel Student Union Event Center  (unless otherwise noted).
(Complimentary Parking Lot D Preferred)

Únete a nosotros

La Universidad Estatal de California en San Bernardino se complace en anunciar los Días Anuales de Educación y Defensa Latina (LEAD).

  • ¿Estás listo para marcar la diferencia en la comunidad latina?
  • ¿Estás listo para conectarte y ser parte del liderazgo educativo latino?
  • ¿Estás listo para encontrar soluciones intersectoriales para mejorar la educación y la vida de todos los estudiantes?
  • ¡¡¡Levanten la mano, intervengan y participen!!!
  • La educación latina es el imperativo económico de nuestro tiempo y la cuestión de los derechos civiles de nuestra generación.
  • Los estudiantes latinos cargan desproporcionadamente con el quid de la crisis educativa, y es donde deben lograrse las mayores mejoras y los cambios más fundamentales.

Únase a nosotros en nuestra asamblea anual, mientras convocamos a las partes interesadas clave: profesionales de la enseñanza y educadores, investigadores, académicos, académicos, administradores, escritores y artistas independientes, especialistas en políticas y programas, estudiantes, padres, familias, líderes cívicos, activistas y defensores. .

En resumen, aquellos que comparten un interés y compromiso común con los temas educativos que impactan a los latinos. Lugar de la conferencia: Centro de eventos de la Unión de Estudiantes Santos Manuel (a menos que se indique lo contrario). (Se prefiere estacionamiento de cortesía)