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Internship Forms

JHBC Internship Documents
Document When to Submit How to Submit

JHBC Release of Liability

Promise not to sue 

After the internship is offered/accepted.

The release of liability is required and must be submitted before enrollment is completed.  

Email as PDF attachment to the Internship Coordinator. 

Report the internship for enrollment

Establishes internship criteria 

After the internship is offered/accepted.

This step requires the intern to first meet with the host supervisor and establish 3 goals and 3 objectives. Goals and objectives must be submitted prior to enrollment.


Via Google Forms - click the Report the internship for enrollment link to the left and answer the questions accordingly.

Students are enrolled in the respective internship course by the Coordinator after all documents have been received, and the host supervisor has approved goals and objectives. Unpaid internships will require additional documentation (CSU Learning Site Agreement). 

Internship courses are typically 3-units, and tuition/fees apply accordingly. 

Students MUST enroll during the term for which the internship begins. 

JHBC Internship Course Requirements

Guidelines Dates

Mid-term Reflection Paper Guidelines

Guidelines for the mid-term reflection paper. The intern will reflect on the progress of goals and objectives.

Specific dates are established at the onset of the internship, however are typically submitted around week 7.

Final Reflection Paper Guidelines

Guidelines for the final reflection paper. This is an expansion of the mid-term reflection, and finalizes accomplishments during the term.

Specific dates are established at the onset of the internship; however, will be submitted the last week of the term.

JHBC Internship Timesheet

Verifies a minimum of 150 hours were worked during the term. Download and complete as hours are earned. Multiple timesheets may be necessary.

Specific dates are established at the onset of the internship; however, will be submitted the last week of the term.

Timesheets must be signed by the internship site supervisor.

If assistance is needed, please email the JHBC Student Success and Internship Coordinator.