myCoyote is the portal used by all current students at CSUSB. By signing in once, students have access to a plethora of tools, services, and information. In January 2024, the portal interface changed to a new layout, design, and function. This webpage details the elements of the interface we call the Student Profile. The Student Profile is accessible from a mobile device or a computer, but this webpage will use screenshots from the computer to highlight the look and function of each element or section of the profile. The sections of the page are as follows: Top Navigation Dropdown Bar, My Information and OneCard section, My Degree section, My Advising section, My Holds section, My To-Dos section, My Balances section, Events and Calendar section, My Schedule section, Top Tools section.
Top Navigation Dropdown Bar
At the top of the myCoyote Student Profile in the campus portal, displays a overarching navigation menu. This menu leads to dropdown menus that contain all student related resources categorized by type. These include:
- Financial-related resources
- Academic-related resources
- Task related resources
- Collaborative tools
- Health and wellness resources
- Library resources
- Employment resources
- University life resources
My Information and OneCard Section
The My Information section of the myCoyote portal displays your Coyote ID, Name, and Email Address. Within the "My Information" dropdown, you can find the following resources:
- My Account --- Activate your account, modify security questions, recovery email & phone and reset your password
- Email Addresses --- You can view, modify, or update your email addresses
- Phone Numbers --- You can view, modify, or update your phone numbers
- Home and Mailing Address --- You can view, modify, or update your addresses
- Dependents - Past/Current --- You can view your dependents
- Emergency Contacts --- You can view, modify, or update your emergency contacts
- Demographic Information --- You can view your demographic data, including gender, date of birth, and marital status
- User Preferences --- Define default values for Institution, Career, Term
Within, the My OneCard (which is the official student ID card of CSUSB) section shows the following resources:
- Your OneCard (student ID) photo
- Your OneCard (student ID) balances
- Buttons to the OneCard (student ID) and photo upload portals
- Link to restaurants that are currently open campus
- Link to campus restaurant menus
My Degree Section
The My Degree section of the myCoyote portal (which is displayed on the left hand side of the wide screen view and near the top of the mobile view) will show you information about your Overall GPA, your CSUSB GPA, and your GPA for courses taken within your Major GPA.
Below the GPA information, you'll find your major and your expected graduation term, if you have a graduation check on file.
The last part of the My Degree section contains two buttons, one to your PAWS Report and the other to your myCAP.
My Advising Section
The My Advising section of the myCoyote portal contains information about your ASUA (Academic Success and Undergraduate Advising) advisor and contact information, including email, phone, and office location. There is an "Advising Resources" dropdown, under which you'll find the following:
- General advising information
- A link to the campus map, showing the location of ASUA, the undergraduate advising office
- The advising drop-in Zoom link
- The ASUA phone number and a convenient link to dial their phone number from a mobile device
My Holds Section
The My Holds section of the myCoyote portal contains a badge that'll allow you to see the amount of holds you currently have at a glance. You'll find the list of your holds within, with holds preventing enrollment being highlighted in bold.
A link to address your holds is provided underneath.
My To-Dos Section
The My To-Dos section functions similarly to the Holds Element. A red circle badge will indicate the amount of to-dos at a glance. You'll find a list of your to-dos within.
A link to address your to-dos is provided underneath.
My Balances Section
The Balances Element contains the following, University Balances and OneCard Balances.
University Balances will indicate your current account balance, your anticipated financial aid, and your remaining balances.
Underneath, you'll find a financial aid dropdown and a balances dropdown.
The financial aid dropdown contains:
- The financial aid portal
- The scholarship portal
- A link to upload financial aid documents
The balances dropdown contains:
- A link to view your balances
- A link to pay your balances
Events and Calendar Section
The Events Tab contains information about student-related university events on campus. Each item contains the following:
- Date and time of the event
- Event's title and location
- Clicking on the title will lead you to the Coyote Connection page to RSVP to the event
- A link to the event's locaiton or its Zoom link
The Calendar Tab contains information about important upcoming university dates. Each item contains the following:
- The calendar event's date
- The calendar event's title
Underneath, you'll find resources related to university events and calendar:
- A link to Coyote Connection
- A link to the university events page
- A link to the university calendar page
My Schedule Section
The Class Schedule Element contains information related to your classes.
The first section will display your upcoming registrationdate if it is within the registration period.
The next section will display the terms you are/will be enrolled in.
Then, a table displays your class schedule as well as your classes for the current day:
- The
column displays your class's ID and its title. Visiting on the class ID will lead you to the bookstore page for that specific class. - The
column will display the meeting day(s) and time(s) for the class. - The
column will display the class's location. Visiting on the location will lead you to the campus map, allowing for wayfinding from your current location. - The
column will display your instructor(s) and their email. Visiting the instructor(s)'s name will open up the default email app.
Finally, you have the Academic Resource and the Class Control buttons. The Academic Resource buttons lead you to the home page for Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction. The Class Control buttons allow you to add/drop/swap a class. For a period after Census, these buttons change to Permissions Requests.
Page Tiles Section
The Page Tiles Element will display banners and announcements related to your student experience. These may include items such as Title IX training, SOTEs, Summer/Winter Registration, etc.
Graduation Section*
*Only visible with a Graduation Check on file.
The Graduation Element will lead you to the Graduation One Stop portal, where you will be able to verify your graduation status, register for commencement, and much more.
Ask Cody Chatbot
Ask Cody will lead you to the campus's AI-powered chatbot, which can answer questions about the university. The chatbot knows a variety of topical information from admissions, registration, parking, financial aid, as well as specific information like calendar dates, departments, programs, and more!
Top Tools Section
The Top Tools Element provides commonly used student tools.