On December 12th, 2022, we will be refreshing the myCoyote Portal. There will be some visual and functional updates to the portal, including slight changes to the tile order on the myCoyote landing page. The order was changed based on usage analytics over the past two years. Students, please note that the Degree Progress tile has been removed and its contents moved into the My Academics tile. You will find what you need under My Academics.
Desktop Visual Update:
This refresh will bring wider tiles to the myCoyote portal, allowing for more information to be displayed
While we don't anticipate any downtime for myCoyote, if you are having difficulty logging into myCoyote or can't find access to grades, please use the following links.
In order to quickly access the Faculty Center or to directly access your grade roster, please use these links.
In order to check the Student Center or directly check your grades, please use the following links.
Desktop Functional Update:
This refresh will bring the search functionality and the message center out onto the toolbar at the top of the page. The refresh will also retire the Hamburger Menu. In its place are User-catered dropdown menus as seen in the following screenshots. Please do note that if you have more than one role on campus, you may see more than one dropdown.
Mobile App Changes
With this refresh comes the introduction of the bottom bar navigation. This allows users to easily navigate between the home screen, their message center, and the search function. The Menu option will house the user-catered menu as mentioned previously.
With this refresh also comes a bugfix for the Stale Request Error for the mobile app, as found in the current build of the app.