Required Courses
ETEC 5000 Foundations in Instructional Design & Technology
Introduction to the field of Instructional Design & Technology and its foundations. An overview of IDT key terminologies, learning theories, research trends and issues, and basic technological competency. This is a prerequisite for all other ETEC required courses; an IT orientation with program faculty/advisors will be part of the first week of the course. Formerly ETEC 500, 547. (3 units)
ETEC 5430 Inquiry of Instructional Technology and Learning I
Exploration of connections between technology and the teaching and learning process through a study of research design, data collection and analysis. Formerly ETEC 543.
ETEC 5440 Process of Instructional Design and Technology I (3)
Examination of various models of instructional design and procedures used in the production of instructional materials. Formerly ETEC 544.
ETEC 6430 Inquiry of Instructional Technology and Learning II
Advanced exploration of connections between technology and the teaching and learning process through a study of research design, data collection and analysis. Emphasis on fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for conducting quality research in Instructional Design & Technology. Prerequisite: ETEC 5000 and ETEC 5430. Formerly ETEC 643. (3 units)
ETEC 6440 Process of Instructional Design and Technology II
Advanced application of instructional design models and procedures to produce instructional materials. Prerequisite: ETEC 5000 and ETEC 5440. Formerly ETEC 644. (3 units)
ETEC 6920. Practicum in Instructional Design and Technology
Semester Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Application of Instructional Design and Technology in real world issues in professional settings. Requires a written agreement with a sponsoring agency and program approval of that agreement. Formerly ETEC 692. Graded Credit/No credit. (3 units)
ETEC 5010 Foundations of eLearning
Introduction to theoretical and practical foundations of e-Learning. Explorations of history, trends, current issues, and practices of e-Learning. Formerly ETEC 501. (3 units)
ETEC 5410 Design and Development of eLearning
Examination and application of e-Learning design and development principles and practices to produce online courses. Formerly ETEC 541. (3 units)
ETEC 5460 Technology Integration in The Classroom
Exploration of basic principles of operation of computer hardware and software, and basic troubleshooting techniques for computer systems, effective integration of technology into the curriculum, digital literacy, and the legal and ethical issues related to the use of technology. Formerly ETEC 546.
ETEC 6480 E-Learning Delivery and Evaluation
Examination of various models, strategies, and issues of e-learning delivery. Exploration of evaluation on student learning and e-Learning effectiveness. Formerly ETEC 648. (3 units)
ETEC 6550 Multimedia Production with Emerging Instructional Technologies
Production of multimedia projects using various emerging instructional technologies and authoring tools. May be repeated for credit as subject matter changes and with consent of instructor. Formerly ETEC676D. (3 units) - Modules of AI, AR/VR, Web Design, Coding, Graphics, Video, Audio, Podcasting, Animation, Gamification, Interactive Storytelling, and beyond!
ETEC 6740 E-Learning Technology and Media
Examination of current technology tools and instructional methods for effective instruction on e-Learning. Formerly ETEC 674. (3 units)
Culminating Experience Options
Listed are two culminating experience options to choose from:
Option 1: Comprehensive Examination
ETEC 6850 ePortfolio & Comprehensive Exam Preparation
Assisting Instructional Design & Technology Master students in preparation for ePortfolio defense and comprehensive examination. (3 units)
ETEC 6980 Comprehensive Examination
An assessment of Instructional Design & Technology Masters students’ ability to integrate the knowledge of the area, show critical and independent thinking and demonstrate mastery of the subject matter. Formerly ETEC 999. (0 units)
Comps Exam by taking ETEC 6850 (3 units) and ETEC 6980 (0 units). You must pass the comprehensive examination. To qualify for the exam, you must submit your e-portfolio to the ETEC faculty and successfully pass an e-Portfolio defense, scheduled for the 13th or 14th Friday of each semester. Details will be shared via email and posted in the Upcoming Events section of the IDT homepage.
To register, please check the Comprehensive Exam page. If you have met all the requirements listed on the Comprehensive Exam page, your name will be passed on to Jennifer Navarro jennifer.navarro@csusb.edu who will allow you to register for ETEC 6980.
Masters and Credentials Office in CE-102
Comprehensive Examination Schedule
Students who have completed all coursework and plan to take the comprehensive exam may enroll in the Comprehensive Exam (zero units) through the College of Extended Learning.
Option 2: Thesis/Project
ETEC 6963 Master’s Degree Thesis/Project
Assisting Instructional Design & Technology Masters students in completing their M.A. thesis/project. Formerly ETEC 699. (3 units)
Taking one of the emphasis courses will help you draft your MA Project Application Form and conduct your potential MA projects. ETEC 6980 is a course designed for students to focus on the completion of students' MA projects. The master's project will require a substantial commitment of time. Please allow at least 1 semester to complete the project. Before students register for ETEC 6980, students need to refer to the MA Project Checklist under Resources.
ETEC 6980 Note: you should not expect to begin your project in ETEC 6980. You should take ETEC 6980 when you expect to complete your project. To take ETEC 6980 you must:
Have advanced to candidacy.
Have submitted a
Masters Project Application
*Make sure to review the information on the Thesis, Project, and Dissertation page in the Graduate Studies website as to thesis template, thesis format review, etc.