The Palm Desert iHub, which is a collaboration of the city of Palm Desert, the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership and CSUSB, will feature university programs in cybersecurity, hospitality management and entrepreneurship.
Miranda Canseco (RAFFMA) talked about Día De Los Muertos, Brian Levin (criminal justice) was quoted about the rise of church vandalism, and Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) was quoted about the Spirit of the Entrepreneur Awards.
Entrepreneurs will share how they kept their businesses afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic at the 4th annual ShEconomy virtual webinar, set for 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 21.
Mentioned in recent news coverage are Mike Stull (entrepreneurship), Mark T. Clark (political science) Dave Maynard (chemistry and biochemistry), Guillermo Escalante (kinesiology), Carol Hood (physics) Khalil Dajani (computer science and engineering) and Brian Levin (criminal justice).
Kids That Code, a CSUSB graduate student-created company that teaches children computer-related topics, held an open house for its education center.
TEAM She ME, an all-female group of CSUSB students, took first place in the undergraduate category at the university’s 4th annual Innovation Challenge.
The Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship’s 4th annual CSUSB Innovation Challenge will feature teams from the various CSUSB colleges who will present their big business plans in pursuit of the $20,000 in prize money.
The College of Arts and Letters and the School of Entrepreneurship partnered to create the new “Entrepreneurship in the Arts” minor, designed for all students in the arts, with the first core class offered this spring.
Stuart Sumida (biology), Meredith Conroy (political science), Michael Stull (entrepreneurship), Vipin Gupta (management), Anthony Silard (public administration) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in recent news coverage of various topics.