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There is a thriving "ecosystem" of disability studies-informed spaces, ideas and resources at CSUSB.

If you are considering the Disability Studies minor, please explore the brochure.

If you are disabled and seeking greater access at CSUSB, please connect with Services to Students with Disabilities. There, the office has many resources which can be of assistance, even beyond your typical accommodations office and are informed by the work of Disability Studies, including:

A peer mentor program

  • A neurodiversity space, a neuro-affirming space made for all people both disabled and nondisabled, both neurodivergent and nonneurodivergent, to gather in a sensory-friendly zone for community, programming and celebration of the brain's unique differences. There is also a reading library there of disability studies books. They can't be borrowed but they can be read in the space.
  • A contracted program with the Department of Rehabilitation called Workability IV, which can support disabled students in college with assistance with paying for tuition, books, fees and more.

For disabled faculty and staff, there are ADA resources on our campus and ADA rights that you have under the law. 

To learn more about policy that guides our campus's processes regarding disability inclusion, please read this policy page originally compiled by one of our disability studies affiliated faculty.

To learn more about the history of disability rights in the United States, please visit this brief timeline of disability rights history.

The disability pride flag is an important symbol in the community representing pride in differences across many kinds of disabilities including mental, physical, developmental, intellectual, invisible and underidentified, sensory, and mourning for disabled people lost due to mistreatment, neglect or tragedy.
