Graduate Teaching Associates (GTAs)
Our department's most well-established assistantship opportunity is our Graduate Teaching Associate (or GTA) program. GTAs teach their own sections of our undergraduate Oral Communication course (COMM 1006). GTAs are competitively selected each spring, and they and receive continuing training and support to enhance their instruction. Many of our GTAs go on to careers teaching in the California Community College system, the Cal State system, or they pursue doctoral studies. More information about the Graduate Teaching Associate program is available here, or you can contact our Department's Graduate Teaching Associate Coordinator, Dr. Jo Anna Grant, at
Communication Consultants (GAs)
The Speaking Center at JHBC hires Communication Consultants (Graduate Assistants) for up to 20 hours a week each fall and spring semester (summer and winter hours are budget permitting). As Communication Consultants, our MA students use what they're learning in their communication studies courses and apply their knowledge in live contexts honing skills for various professional settings post-graduation. Consultants facilitate one-on-one and group consultations, communication workshops, mock interviews, and other support services. More information about the application process and becoming a Communication Consultant is available here. For questions, please contact the Speaking Center at
Instructional Student Assistants (ISAs)
Some of our faculty teach large undergraduate courses (120+ students). For those courses, faculty hire Instructional Student Assistants (ISAs) to support them with things like course preparation, student communication, and grading. ISAs typically work 5 hours per week. ISA positions are posted here and are distributed to our MA students regularly via e-mail. Contact our graduate coordinators Dr. Mihaela Popescu, Dr. Raisa Alvarado, or Dr. Theo Mazumdar for more information.
Graduate Assistants (GAs)
Our communication studies faculty do cutting-edge research and creative work, but they often can't do it on their own. So, for some research and creative projects, faculty hire Graduate Assistants (GAs) to support them on that work. Responsibilities and time commitments vary from project-to-project, but graduate assistantships typically involve some mix of professional, technical, or research-based duties. GA positions are posted here and are distributed to our MA students regularly via e-mail. Contact our graduate coordinators Dr. Mihaela Popescu, Dr. Raisa Alvarado, or Dr. Theo Mazumdar for more information.
Fellowships, scholarships, grants, and loans
CSUSB’s Office of Graduate Studies maintains an extensive list of funding opportunities. These include (but are not limited to):
Laveryn Grace Schulz Fellowship
Are you passionate about investigative or community journalism? Do you dream of making a difference in the Inland Empire? The Laveryn Grace Schulz Fellowship offers a unique opportunity for four dedicated students to pursue their journalistic aspirations with a $7000 award!
Award: $7000
Number of Recipients: Four
Focus: Investigative and/or Community Journalism in the Inland Empire
Renewable: Yes, through a competitive annual application process.
Deadline: September 15th, 2024
The California Pre-Doctoral program
The California Pre-Doctoral Program provides financial assistance for students interested in exploring and preparing for a doctoral program. Through this program, the CSU Chancellor’s Office provides assistance as the Sally Casanova Scholars award to juniors, seniors, and graduate students who wish to pursue doctoral degrees. The funds may be used for students to visit U.S. doctoral-granting institutions, obtain membership in professional organizations, subscribe to academic journals, GRE preparation, and to cover the cost of graduate school application and test fees.
Funding amount: $3000 plus funded summer internship opportunities.
The Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP)
Offered by the California State University, the Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) aims to increase the number of promising doctoral students applying for future CSU faculty positions by offering financial assistance in the form of a loan, and mentorship by CSU faculty. The program is open to new or continuing full-time doctoral students, undergraduate and master’s level graduate students applying to doctoral programs, and lecturers enrolled in a full-time doctoral program.
Funding amount: Loans of up to $10,000 per year, up to a total of $30,000.
Graduate Equity Fellowships
The Graduate Equity Fellowship seeks to increase the diversity of students completing masters degree programs at the CSU, encourages continuation toward doctoral programs, and promotes consideration of university faculty careers. It provides fellowships for economically disadvantaged CSU students who have had success in overcoming educational disadvantages and promotes faculty mentoring and research opportunities. Under this program at CSUSB, awardees may be awarded either a Graduate Program Fellowship (one or more award winners per graduate program) or a Graduate Studies Fellowship (1 award winner per College).
Funding amounts: $500 - $2,000 for the Graduate Program Fellowship; $4,500 for the Graduate Studies Fellowship.
State University Grant
The State University Grant is a need based award to cover a portion of tuition. The maximum annual SUG award is up to tuition fee cost, SUG does not cover additional campus charges. Any state resident (this grant is only available to California residents) who applies for financial aid will automatically be considered for this program. SUG funding is limited and based on availability of funding at time of review of a student’s financial aid record.
Student Research and Travel Grant
Note: Travel funding currently suspended due to Covid-19
The Student Research and Travel Grant program encourages and supports both undergraduate and graduate student research and creative activities by providing funding to support student research. Students may use the funding to conduct research for independent study, an academic course, honor’s project, or master’s thesis or project. Funds are made available through Associated Students Incorporated and Instructionally Related Programs.
Funding amount: Up to $1,000 each academic year.
Additional Funding Opportunities
Please see here for additional public and private funding opportunities curated by CSUSB's Office of Graduate Studies.