Clubs & Organizations Communicating Spiritually and Interculturally Learning, experiencing, and socializing with like-minded individuals who desire to increase their awareness of self, others and the world Communication Society Sharpening communication skills for life-long success. Coyote Chronicle The Coyote Chronicle is a weekly student run newspaper. Featured stories are written by our very own students. Coyote PR A public relations firm comprised of students. Coyote PR provides students with insight and hands-on experience in some of the best PR practices. Coyote Radio Coyote Radio serves as one of the west coast's most respected broadcast media learning laboratories. Digital Media Club We aim to help create a campus community that is interested in and constantly learning about new digital media literacy content and topics. Film Club Learn about cameras, lighting, script writing and digital video editing with others who share your interests Forensics Team The CSUSB Forensics team is an intercollegiate speech & debate team that travels locally & nationally to compete against other colleges & universities Lambda Pi Eta The official Communication Studies honor society of the National Communication Association (NCA). Local Matters Television Local Matters is a broadcasting program brought to you by the students of California State University of San Bernardino PRSSA Developing highly qualified, well-prepared professionals by enhancing their knowledge of public relations. The Coyote Pack Empowering the Community with our Voice. Reporting with Respect, Dignity, and Humanity. Transcultural Commons Collective To foster and promote recovery, understanding, and preservation of history and culture through the use and reuse of locally produced media. Video Lab The video lab is the center point for the media production courses offered at CSUSB.