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Coyote Chronicle Livestreaming at Media Literacy Event Nov. 14

Streaming LIVE on Coyote Chronicle Facebook, a screening of the discussion following Digital Disconnect: Fake News, Privacy and Democracy facilitated by T.C. Corrigan and Rod Metts, Dept of Comm Studies. Link: “Based on the book by media historian and political economist Robert McChesney, Digital Disconnect examines how the logic of capitalism has turned a medium with utopian promise -- the Internet -- into a dystopian tool for monopoly, surveillance, and misinformation. Democracy itself is at stake. But unlike most critiques of the Internet and social media, McChesney locates the problem not with the technology, its users, or individual firms, but with capitalism's capture of the Internet. To save democracy, we must rescue the Internet from capitalism, and McChesney points -- optimistically -- to a broad-based, grassroots media reform movement as our best hope.” (Media Education Foundation)