Chemistry 5990
Chemistry 5990 Guidelines: Chemistry Comprehensive Examinations Chemistry 5990 (semester catalog) is a zero unit, credit/no credit class which is taken by students completing the comprehensive examinations (student wishing to earn a B.S. degree in either Chemistry or Biochemistry concentration). Students who enroll must be within one year of graduating, and have senior status. Students will earn a grade of "incomplete" in CHEM 5990, until either the comprehensive exam is passed, or until three attempts have elapsed. Each individual exam is assigned a letter grade, A-F, based on predetermined criteria. A grade of "credit" is assigned to the CHEM 5990 course after the student passes the exam in 1-3 attempts; a grade of "no credit" is assigned should the student not pass after three attempts or one calendar year has passed. Exams may be repeated up to three times within that year. Students will be enrolled in the Blackboard site for Chem 5990 when they register for the exam; the corresponding Canvas site will be used for communication for the course.
Here Are Some Tools to Help You Study For the Exam:
- ACS study materials: materials for general, organic and physical chemistry review and practice questions in analytical chemistry (costs money)
- GRE-Chemistry exam has many of the same topics and can provide good review information
GRE Chemistry Subject Test 2024: How to Prepare for GRE Chemistry?
Overview of GRE Chemistry Subject Test. The GRE Chemistry Subject test is mostly opted for by students willing to pursue a master's degree program in Chemistry at the top universities abroad.
GRE Subject Test Practice Books: We offer free, official practice books for each GRE Subject Test to help you feel more confident on test day. Each Subject Test practice book contains a full-length test and answer key, test-taking strategies, and information to help you understand how the test is scored.