Service Learning in Chemistry (CHEM 3900)
This course is no longer offered under semesters.
However, many of the projects previously completed under this title may be appropriate under one of two semester courses:
CHEM 290X. Special Projects in Chemistry. 1-3 units
Individual investigation, research, study or survey of selected problems. May be repeated for credit. Consent of instructor required. Materials fee required
CHEM 597X. Directed Study in Science Education. 1-3 units
Readings, internet, library research in chemical education; or a directed project on pedagogical approaches applied to teaching chemistry; and/or exploration of content knowledge in a specific area of chemistry for delivery to a specific audience. Conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Department consent required. Formerly CHEM 597. May be repeated for credit. Graded Credit/No Credit.
What constitutes service hours: Service hours include direct chemical interaction with others on an off campus (through unpaid demonstrations, supervision of experiments, tutoring in chemistry or science, technical lectures, etc.) as well as preparation time necessary to make these activities successful. These activities are subject to approval by the faculty advisor.
Safety: All chemical demonstrations and hands-on activities must be conducted with the most conservative approach to safety possible. At a minimum, students must adhere to the "Minimum Safety Guidelines for Chemical Demonstrations" from the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Education. For any activities not directly supervised by a faculty member, it is both the student's and faculty advisor's responsibility to make sure all safety issues have been discussed and addressed.