The National Institutes of Health awarded the $871,000 grant CSUSB (Advancing Sponsored Program Infrastructure for Research Excellence) to increase the diversity of faculty and students engaged in research and streamline CSUSB’s grant operations.
We are pleased to announce Research Linx: Interdisciplinary Tenured to Pre-tenured Faculty Mentorship Program.
Sponsored by the Academic Research and the NIH grant CSUSB ASPIRE, the goal of this program is to support pre-tenured faculty on their research journey to tenure. In this program mentors will build cross-campus connections with pre-tenured faculty through conversations about research/creative activities, career advancement, the role of research in mentee’s RPT process, balancing research, teaching and life priorities, and academic life at CSUSB.
Visits Research Linx Website.
BRESE (Biomedical/biobehavioral RESearch Enrichment) Scholars Program is a two-year mentored grantsmanship program for new faculty in biomedical and biobehavioral disciplines.
To learn more about the BRESE Scholars Program visit the Academic Research BRESE Scholars Program Website.
To earn a certificate in Sponsored Research (series I) the participants must complete at least four (4) workshops. To earn a certificate in Teacher Scholar (series II), Mentoring Students in Research (series III), Research Compliance (series IV) and Diversity and Inclusion in Research (series V), the participants must complete at least three (3) workshops in this category. To view the schedule and register for workshops visit the Academic Research Certificates and Workshops website.
Series I: Sponsored Research
Workshops: 1. Intramural Grants to Support Faculty Research and Student Research Collaborations, 2. Demystifying the Budget Proposal, 3. White Paper - communicating with a program officer about proposal goals, 4. Grant Award Admission.
Series II: Teacher Scholar
Workshops: 1. Collaborations and Co-authorships of Journal Articles and Thesis Supervision, 2. Teacher - Scholar @ CSUSB.
Title | Description | Date | Time | Registration |
Series III: Mentoring Students in Research
Workshops: 1. Best Practices in Mentoring Student in Undergraduate Research, 2. Best DEI practices of Mentoring Student Research.
Title | Description | Date | Time | Registration |
Series IV: Research Compliance
Workshops: 1. IRB Basics for Student Research, 2. IRB Basics for Student Research,
Title | Description | Date | Time | Registration |