In the xREAL Lab, students from multiple disciplines collaborate with faculty and staff on high-impact virtual reality, machine learning, or robotics projects. The xREAL Lab provides an interdisciplinary environment that fosters experiential learning, peer mentorship, and hands-on work. Our students gain programming, 3D design, sound design, video editing, and motion capture skills that enhance their employability while preparing them for client-based work.
The xREAL Lab advertises a limited number of student assistant positions yearly for undergraduate students whose skills complement those available in the Lab. We also welcome student interns and volunteers. Contact Marcy Iniguez if you are interested in working with us.
Learn More About Our Students' Experiences in the Lab
Meet JC Mariscal, a former 3D Design student and alumnus of the xREAL Lab. Watch his interview to learn more about the virtual university, his favorite project, and how he believes technology can be implemented in the classroom.
Meet Jeremy Cortez, a former computer science student and alumnus of the xREAL Lab. Check out his interview, in which he discusses possible uses of AI in the classroom and his work on a tool that can help professors answer common student questions.

Virtual Reality Club
VR Club is a place for students to develop virtual reality projects for personal, professional, and academic goals while also geeking out over a shared passion for video games and pop culture. A combination of music, art, and programming, virtual reality club offers plenty of great opportunities for those who want to develop their skills in virtual and augmented reality, or to just enjoy being around other gamers. We welcome anyone and everyone who have skills in creating VR content or not. All are welcome!
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