The ASCM executive board members for AY2021-2022:
President: Kassandra Rico-Alvarez
Email: ricoalvarezk89@gmail.com
Vice-president: James Wilson
Email: 007763386@coyote.csusb.edu
Treasurer: Desmond Petway
Email: SCTrojan111@gmail.com
Community Service Officer: Mo
Email: 007578708@coyote.csusb.edu
Marketing Officer: Omkar Sawant
Email: 007752882@coyote.csusb.edu
The ASCM executive board members for AY2020-2021:
President: Maureen Mayaka
Vice President: Alyssa Ruiz
Treasurer: Kassandra Rico-Alvarez
Recruitment/Retention Officer: Maria Perez
Community Service Officer: Raymond Garcia