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Attendance & Speech Request

Attendance and Speech Request Form

VP Olivérez is delighted to attend events and programs and to provide welcome, introductory, or keynote remarks. Please submit the following form to request Vice President Olivérez's availability to attend and/or speak at your event. The Vice President's Office attempts to accommodate most requests to support the mission of the university and appreciates your patience with the VPSA's complex calendar.

We ask that you complete this form at least two weeks in advance of your event/program.

Thank you so much!

Personal Information
Campus Affiliation
Area AVP/AD/Director
Event Information
Is this an annual event?
Please Share VP Olivérez 's Expected Role
Please share specified speaking role
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx.
2 MB limit per form.