Committee Charge
Under the leadership of the DSA Director of Assessment, the DSA Assessment Committee will work collaboratively to:
- Provide support to the DSA Director of Assessment in her efforts to build a culture of evidence in the Division of Student Affairs
- Engage in and offer professional development opportunities to develop a team of professionals in each department with assessment training
- Provide leadership and support to assessment initiatives and assist departments in gaining a greater understanding of effective assessment practices
- Collaborate with division leadership and marketing and communications staff to develop a cohesive "Story of the CSUSB Division of Student Affairs"
- Engage and collaborate with stakeholders across the University and seek opportunities for partnership
- Represent the division on University assessment committees
- Disseminate findings at the University, regionally and nationally
- Consult with departments and provide feedback on the quality of assessment projects, and annual plans and reports
- Measure progress on the campus and division strategic plans and objectives
- Annually review the divisional assessment processes to improve and strengthen the departments' capabilities to carry out assessment
- Work collaboratively to support the development of a division-wide assessment plan, as well as uniform methods of data collection and annual reports for each unit, and provide information that will help to shape the DSA Annual Report.
- Examine institutional and system-wide dashboards and data sets that can be shared across the division to support data-driven decision-making throughout the DSA.
Intended outcomes or products of the committee will include:
DSA Annual Report and the annual reports for each unit
- Division-wide assessment plan
- Uniform methods of data collection across the division to allow for benchmarking
- Development of an assessment plan for the committee to reflect on its effectiveness
- Establishing a reporting timeline for the committee to communicate these reflections on effectiveness