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Teaching Credential Requirements

Single Subject Teaching Credential Requirements for Teachers Prepared in California

Students Walking on Campus

The Single Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach all subjects in a self-contained classroom, such as the classrooms in most elementary schools, in grades preschool, K–12, or in classes organized primarily for adults. In addition, a Single Subject Teaching Credential holder may serve in a core or team teaching setting.

Students in a Classroom

Requirements for the Preliminary Credential

The preliminary credential is issued for a maximum of five years. If requirements for the clear credential are not completed before the expiration of the preliminary, the holder will be unable to teach in California’s public schools with that credential until those requirements are met and the document is renewed.

Applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements for the Five - Year Preliminary Teaching Credential:

Degree Requirement

Complete a Bachelors (baccalaureate) or higher degree, except in professional education, from a regionally - accredited college or university

Basic Skills Requirement (BSR)

Candidates for the teacher education programs can now meet completion of the Basic Skills Review (BSR) via a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. 

Subject Matter Competency Requirement (SMC)

Revised CalTPA by CTC involves two instructional cycles in school placements, focusing on planning, teaching, assessing, and applying with evidence. Learn more.

Watch the following comprehensive video for more information:

Watch CalTPA Supports for Teacher Induction Programs YouTube Video


U.S Constitution
  • U.S. Constitution Examination is offered by CSUSB College of Extended and Global Education
  • U.S. Constitution Courses at CSUSB (HIST 1460/1460H or HIST 2000 or HIST 5400 or PSCI 2030/2030H or PSCI 4100 or PSCI 4110)
  • Please Note: Students who obtained their bachelor's degree at a CSU, have met their requirement
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • CPR Sites (American Red Cross, American Heart Association, or American Health Association) 
  • Please be sure the training you receive includes infant, child and adult. 
  • The agency should provide you with a card/certificate that includes their information, your full name, the specific training you received, as well as the issuance and expiration dates.