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What time does UPS and Fedex deliver to campus?

Most common carriers like UPS and Fedex deliver to the Receiving warehouse between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.

Who do I dontact to place a Campus Stores paper order?

Please email  Please contact name, extension, delivery location, items to be ordered, quantity, price, and department chargeback number.

What is the cut-off time for outgoing mail & packages?

Please refer to the Mail Services Guide for cut-off times for common carrier services such USPS, Fedex, or UPS.

Where do I send back the Yellow Card I have received?

Please send the Yellow Card back to Receiving in AS-105 through intercampus mail.

Who do I contact to close a purchase order that I have received?

Please email  Provide the purchase order number, indicate which line or lines on the purchase order have been received, and the quantity received for each line.  Our office will use that information to close the purchase order lines which will notify Accounts Payable that is okay to pay for those lines.

How can I locate a lost package?

Please call extension 75150 and provide the tracking number of the package so that we may check for it in our system.  If you cannot provide the tracking number, we may still be able to locate the package using other information, such as ship-to name, delivery location, or vendor.

When will I get my package delivered?

All packages received by 12:00 noon will be delivered the same day provided that your delivery location is open.